FinMin leaves open the possibility of reducing tax on heating oil
13:48 14/1/2014
- Πηγή: Matrix24
“If we can combat smuggling in maritime fuel, then we can reduce tax on heating oil”, Stournaras told private TV channel Skai. He also said that VAT in food services will not return to 23 percent this year and that the government will seek to keep it at 13 percent
Regarding negotiations with the troika, which are expected to resume in the near future, the minister said Greece’s creditor’s insistence on further measures would create a political risk, and he also assessed that reaching an agreement with the troika in the Eurogroup on January 27 was unlikely.
Stournaras underlined that no European country would accept a “haircut” of the nominal value of the debt, but expressed his confidence that a reduction will be achieved though.
In terms of reducing social security fees paid by employees, the Finance minister declined to say whether the government would implement such a reduction, but said that such a move would cost 400 million euros, nearly half of what was originally estimated.
Asked on developments in the banking sector, he said: “We are preparing a bill for the recapitalization of banks if needed, but we are first expecting the results of stress tests.”
Stournaras dismissed press reports that he will be the next Bank of Greece governor as of May. “I fight for the economy. I am interested in the present. I do not think about the future right now.”
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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