Government general secretary resigns over Golden Dawn furore

19:06 2/4/2014 - Πηγή: Matrix24

Government general secretary Panagiotis Baltakos announced his resignation on Wednesday, following the uproar provoked by claims made in Parliament earlier the same day by far-right Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) MP Ilias Kasidiaris. Commenting on the news as he left the New Democracy

party's headquarters, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said "I am not familiar with the issue but, if it's so, then Mr. Baltakos has no place in the government."
While addressing Parliament on Wednesday, Kasidiaris read out dialogue from an alleged secret video recording of a conversation between himself and Baltakos, in which the government general secretary appeared to admit that government directly interfered in the judicial handling of the case concerning the far-right party.
"All the things said by me had the aim of ridding me of the pressures directed at me by GD MPs, who accused me of taking part in a conspiracy against them," Baltakos said in a written statement announcing his resignation and apologising for the upheaval caused.

source: ΑΜΝΑ

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