Greece and China sign first memorandums on shipping, telecoms and exports
The memorandums of cooperation for investments were signed between the China Development Bank and the Greek side, represented by TAIPED (the state privatisation agency) and “Invest in Greece”. Chinese-based Huawei (information and communications technology) and ZTE (telecommunications equipment and network solutions) also
Reviewing trade relations between the two countries, the premier said that exports to China had increased by 41.5 pct between 2011 and 2012, while China has become the 10th biggest importer of Greek goods.
Greece’s goal is to double its exports to China by 2015, and to strengthen collaboration in tourism, shipping, banking, food and beverages, building materials and high technology/information and communications technology. “Greece can serve as the access point to other markets as well,” he noted, pointing out that Greece’s advantage as a trading partner included its strategic location (with access to three continents), its membership in the EU and the eurozone, its modern infrastructure and networks, and its highly trained, experienced and multilingual personnel.
Admitting to past failures, Samaras said Greece had to overcome excessive debt and relative low competitiveness, and outlined the government’s success in stabilising the economy and in introducing changes in structural reforms, making “currency risk scenarios dead”. He also said the country was dealing with practical issues for investors, and is “moving from many bureaucratic red-tape troubles to the red-carpet treatment of every potential investor.”
“It’s true that we have had significant delays in the past. But we are now catching up on lost time,” he said, and pushing through with 28 privatisation projects, after recently completing the first large-scale privatisation of the Greek National Lottery (OPAP), to be followed by the natural gas corporation.
“As we all know by now, in Chinese the word ‘crisis’ is identical with the word for ‘opportunity’,” Samaras said, adding, “I encourage you to look closely to investment opportunities in the Greek parket, where you can easily find suitable local partners and thus generate profitable business partnerships.”
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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