Greek employees living in fear of losing their jobs, survey finds
11:24 2/10/2013
- Πηγή: Matrix24
Among the 451 individuals completing the survey, 68 percent said their working conditions had deteriorated in the last two years, 23 percent said that they had stayed the same, while only 9 percent reported an improvement.
Asked to elaborate in what ways their work conditions had deteriorated, 50 percent reported salary cuts, 25 percent said they had to work more hours, 14 percent reported a bad workplace environment
A high percentage also referred to higher demands and greater pressure in the workplace (9 percent), a reduction in turnover and profits (9 percent), hard working conditions (8 percent), greater work volume (7 percent), delays in payment (5 percent) and even working unpaid (4 percent).
Of the 9 percent that have seen their conditions of work improve, Adecco analysts note that they do not refer to salary increases or improved working conditions and surmise they are staff replacing high-earning executives removed from their positions. This conclusion is also backed by the finding that 45 percent and 42 percent of those completing the survey confirmed an increase in their workload and duties at work.
Of those asked, 31 percent said they were already looking for another job with better conditions and 27 percent that they intend to do so in the near future.
Adecco Hellas General Director Constantinos Mylonas warned that low morale among the workforce had an impact on the quality of work.
Roughly 55 percent of the sample were unemployed and, of these, 31 percent had been laid off by their previous employer, 20 percent had just entered the workforce and not yet found work, 11 percent were left jobless when the business or shop where they worked shut down and 5 percent had been owners of business that folded.
Only 5 percent stated that they were jobless by choice. Nearly a third (31 percent) of those out of work had been unemployed for more than two years, 19 percent from 7-12 months, 18 percent for two years and 15 percent up to six months.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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