Nov 17 convicted member Xiros posts letter on the internet after violating furlough
20:10 20/1/2014
- Πηγή: Matrix24
His letter starts with “Better to live one hour as a free man than spend 40 years as a slave and prisoner”.
In his letter, Xiros said: ”I could rest on the laurels of my previous activity and keep repeating ‘Somebody has to take action at last’. I didn’t do that. My choice to breach my furlough destroys primarily my own ‘course.”
He also added “Now you will get the response you deserve” and “Once again, I took the decision,
Xiros has signed the letter, also having attached his photo to it, as ‘Christodoulos Xiros, a free November 17 member’.
In his video, he commented on current political and economic situation, having among others pictures of Che Guevara as a background, and referred to ‘conflict and overturning’.
Xiros said: “What are we waiting for? If we don’t react now, right away, we will seize to exist as people and civilization”.
His message also contains threats, using phrases such as “rivers of blood”, and attacks against journalists, politicians and authorities.
“I have no reason to comment on the thoughts of a terrorist, especially Christodoulos Xiros. The only thing I can do is to assure the Greek society that authorities conscientiously perform their duty to bring to prison those that need to be there,” Public Order and Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Dendias said on Monday on the sidelines of his meeting with the Mayor of Athens Giorgos Kaminis.
Regarding the letter, Justice Minister Charalambos Athanassiou said:” The terrorists’ statements get their response from justice based on the Constitution, laws and institutions. But the Greek state must protect its citizens from those who conspire against them. For this reason, the function of a maximum-security detention facility is necessary for the enemies of Democracy and this will be done on terms of security and maintenance of legitimacy, as in all democratic countries.”
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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![Nov 17,Xiros](
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