PM: Cyprus a top issue of Greece’s foreign policy
Greece will continue supporting Cyprus, Samaras said, adding that he and Anastasiadis had a detailed discussion on the latest developments on the Cyprus issue and in particular the resumption of the negotiations between the two communities.
Samaras said the Cypriot President pointed out that the basic condition is an agreement
“On my part, let me repeat that the Cyprus issue is the top national issue of Greece’s foreign policy and the constant deliberation with the Cypriot Republic is the cornerstone.”
Samaras spoke of a fair, sustainable and functional solution with an indivisible sovereignty, a single international entity, a single nationality and the implementation of the European acquis.
He said that Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriot will sit at the negotiations table implying though that he would not accept another “Annan-like case.” He pointed out that “we have to take lessons from the recent phases of the Cyprus issue course and preserve the conditions for a wide national consensus.”
In any case, he added, any solution should pass through two simultaneous referenda.
Regarding that issue, top government sources said that “the worst thing would be to have a failed referendum” and that “wide consensus is of major importance”.
Samaras in his statements pointed out that Greece would continue supporting efforts regarding the Cyprus issue on the procedure and in essence.
He added that Greece would continue supporting the Cypriot Republic regarding its sovereign rights in the Exclusive Economic Zone and blamed Turkey, referring to unacceptable and pointless tension escalation tactics.
The Cypriot President said an agreement may be reached soon on this statement and appeared confident that the cooperation between Greece and Cyprus would create prospects of national understanding.
“The joint statement is not a solution, but sets the foundation,” Anastasiadis said.
Government Vice-President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos also attended the meeting.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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