PM Samaras: Greece ‘the bastion of stability and safety in the region’
17:50 27/8/2013
- Πηγή: Matrix24
Samaras said to the president, “A year ago, the region around Greece offered a sense of stability and Greece was the source of instability. Today the landscape has change 180 degrees. Greece is the bastion of stability and safety in a region that is completely in flames.”
Papoulias asked Samaras on his visit to USA in early August, “We had long discussion with US President Obama. The sense of stability must intensify and inside Greece. We have a lot things to discuss,” said Samaras.
Leaving the Presidential Mansion, following the conclusion of the meeting,Samaras said, “Greece is becoming a factor of regional stability. We must strengthen internal stability so that all sacrifices by the Greek people are not wasted.”
Source: AMNA
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