PM to inaugurate Thessaloniki Fair Sat. morning
At 12 noon tomorrow, Wednesday Samaras will meet at the Maximos Mansion government headquarters with representatives of production representatives from Thessaloniki and Northern Greece. Macedonia-Thrace Minister Theodoros Karaoglou will be also present at the meeting.
Main opposition SYRIZA
PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos will be in Thessaloniki on Sunday 8 September. At 10:00 am he will have a meeting with the TIF-Helexpo management and at 11:00 am he will speak in an event with the participation of the local productive entitities.
Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos will be in Thessaloniki from Monday 9 until Thursday 12 September. On Monday at 8:00 pm he will speak in an event organised by the Geopolitical Studies Institute at Macedonia Palace hotel. On Tuesday noon he will give a press conference at Vellidio Congress Centre and on Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Kammenos will speak at Independent Greeks Youth General Committee meeting. On Thursday he will attend a meeting of his party’s National Congress to be held at the Grand Hotel at 11:00 am.
Democratic Left (DIMAR) leader Fotis Kouvelis will be in Thessaloniki on 11 and 12 September. On Wednesday at 6:00 pm he will meet with young farmers and at 8:00 pm he will speak for DIMAR’s cadres at Thessaloniki Town Hall. On Thursday at 11:00 am, Kouvelis will tour TIF and at 12:00 he will give a press conference.
Communist Party of Greece (KKE) leader Dimitris Koutsoumbas will visit Thessaloniki on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September. On Saturday at 9:30 pm he will speak at the Communist Party Youth Organisation (KNE-Odigitis) Festival that is held at former military camp Pavlos Melas.
Tsipras, Kammenos, Kouvelis and Koutsoumbas have stated that during their stay in Thessaloniki they will visit the former national broadcaster ET3′s premises to express their support to laid off staff who are still broadcasting newscasts from the station.
Source: AMNA
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