President Papoulias: Ties with South Korea close
17:09 3/12/2013
- Πηγή: Matrix24
On a two-day official trip starting Tuesday, and accompanied also by a Greek delegation of business people, Papoulias inaugurated a Greek-Korean business
Speaking on the advantage of Greek ports in global trade, Papoulias said, “Greece is at the crossroads of three continents and is an entry gate to Europe…Piraeus has already become the fastest-developing port in Europe, with speedy growth in international trade, transshipment and transit towards European markets,” and he also mentioned the ports of Thessaloniki, Kavala and Alxandroupoli in northern Greece.
Extolling the close cooperation of Greek shipowners with and Korean shipyards, the president said that Greece was first in number of ships and in tonnage among merchant fleets globally, and the Republic of Korea was first globally in ship repairs. “The rising number of orders by Greek shipowners at Korean shipyards is a logical aftermath of the mutual trust developed between Greek shipowners and Korean ship builders,” Papoulias said, noting that there were 133 ships on order in Korea by Greek shipowners.
Papoulias issued an invitation to Koreans to visit Greece, pointing out that the tourist flow between the two countries is very low, also affected by the lack of direct flights.
On Tuesday, the first day of his official visit, Papoulias laid a wreath at the national cemetery of Seoul and then met with the president of president of the National Assembly of South Korea Kang Chang-hee, who hailed his visit as very important. Papoulias referred to the “blood kinship” of the two countries, as Greece “was one of the first countries to rush to your aid when your country’s freedom was at stake…The tombs of our children on your land is proof of this fight we gave together.”
Also today, Papoulias is scheduled to meet with President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye, who will then give a dinner in his honour.
Yesterday, Papoulias and the Greek business delegation were given an unofficial tour of Samsung’s technological park.
On Wednesday his schedule includes a visit to the neutral zone diving South and North Korea and, before returning to Greece, a visit to the monument of Greek soldiers who fell during the Korean War to lay a wreath.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
president, korea, κορεα, korea, president, official, trip, tuesday, greek, business, people, forum, peace, democracy, global, europe, european, kavala, republic, ship, mutual, trust, order, low, flights, rush, freedom, land, fight, today, yesterday, wednesday, neutral, zone, diving, lay, mutual, people, rush, business, democracy, diving, republic, europe, fight, flights, forum, freedom, global, greek, ship, kavala, lay, land, low, neutral, official, order, peace, tuesday, today, trip, trust, wednesday, european, zone
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