SYRIZA leads ND by 2 pct in opinion poll

Main opposition SYRIZA is ahead by two percentage points over New Democracy (ND) in terms of intention of vote, according to an opinion poll by private company Pulse, to be published in Thursday’s weekly To Pontiki.

In the results, released Wednesday, 19 percent of those polled said they were likely to vote for SYRIZA,

with 17 pct for ND. They were followed equally by ultra-right Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) and newly-founded party To Potami (The River), both of which got 10 pct.

These were followed by Elia/PASOK (6.5 pct), the Communist Party of Greece (KKE, 5 pct), Independent Greeks (ANEL, 3.5 pct) Democratic Left (DIMAR, 2 pct). The rest of the parties (Ecologist Green, LAOS, Antarsya and «Dimiourgia Xana») collected between 1 pct and 1.5 pct, while 8.5 pct of those polled stated their intention to vote «Blank/Abstain» and another 12 pct «Undecided/No answer».

Asked, «Which of the two do you consider most suitable for prime minister, (Prime Minister and ND leader) Antonis Samaras or (SYRIZA leader) Alexis Tsipras,» 31 pct chose Samaras and 23 pct chose Tsipras. Another 44 pct said they would vote for neither, while 2 pct declined to answer.

source: ΑΜΝΑ

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