Shopping hours in Athens during Easter period

Athens Traders Association on Thursday announced the recommended shopping hours for the Easter period.
According to the association, shops in Athens will be open from Thursday, April 10 to Thursday, April 17 (Good Thursday) from 9:00 until 21:00.
On Saturday, April 12 shops will operate between 09:00 and 18:00 and on Sunday, 13 April from 11 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon.
On Friday, April 18 (Good Friday) the shops in Athens will remain open from 13:00 until 19:00 and on Saturday, 19 April (Good Saturday) from 9:00 until 15:00.
On Monday, April 21 the shops will remain closed and will reopen on Tuesday, April 22 at usual shopping hours.

source: ΑΜΝΑ

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