Stournaras: Negotiations with troika are tough

12:58 5/4/2013 - Πηγή: Matrix24

Speaking during a book presentation at a central Athens hotel, the minister stressed that the current round of talks with Greece’s troika of international lenders (EC-ECB-IMF), on the disbursement of the next tranche of the rescue loan “remain tough”.

In the wake of Wednesday’s meeting between the three party

leaders of the coalition government on the special property levy, the minister said “the three-party government, in spite of the difficulties, passed its ‘child illnesses’. Yesterday, the three political leaders rose to the occasion. They showed self-knowledge and political realism.”

Referring to developments in the economy in general, Stournaras said “the markets’ stance toward Greece has changed and is changing. No-one speaks of an exit from the euro anymore. We have now covered two-thirds of the way that is necessary for fiscal consolidation and three-fourths of the path for the restoration of competitiveness. Meaning, we have covered the biggest distance. Of course, just like in every marathon, the last kilometres are more difficult because the runner is tired.”

Source: AMNA

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