Tenth anniversary of Treaty of Athens signature for accession of 10 new member states to EU
10 years since the signature of the Treaty of Athens
Ten years ago, on 16 April 2003, the Treaty of Accession to the European Union of ten European countries – the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary,
Ten years after the signature, as members of the European Union, we all can state that it was the right decision. This was the overwhelming choice by the people. It was not only based on the perspective of future benefits of the common economic area, or the single market offering free movement of capital, goods and people; it was also founded on the understanding of inevitable internal structural reforms that had been carried out along the integration path towards the European Union.
The 2004 EU enlargement would not have been feasible without the strong and sincere support of all EU Member States. The prospects of EU membership acted as a catalyst and the main driving force for positive changes of the social climate, economic growth, better living standards, higher incomes, more jobs and more development. However, among the most important aspects of this change was the hope to share and enjoy those European values that our societies had missed for so long. Our citizens, the real players in establishing the foundation for societies, made it possible for all ten new EU Member States to have a successful journey. Today, they continue to serve as an example and motivation for those candidates who wish to join the EU in the future.
As an inseparable part of the EU, we contribute to strengthening the European project, to keeping its values alive and to spreading them in our neighbourhood in the East and the South. Moreover, all ten Members actively participate in the shaping of European policies, and seek to make the EU more competitive and technologically and innovatively more advanced. They contribute to making the Union better prepared for future challenges in the current globalised world as an active player in dynamic international affairs. Above all, the main task to be addressed is to ensure that the EU continues to be a reliable and safe place to live in. If necessary, all member states have to offer solidarity based on the genuine efforts of all of us to show the necessary responsibility for the benefit of the whole EU.
Looking back at those events ten years ago, one is struck how appropriately the Greek EU Presidency chose the venue for the solemn act of signature by heads of states, prime ministers and foreign ministers from all the EU member states. It took place in the Stoa of Attalos, at the Ancient Agora of Athens, in the cradle of democracy that the Athenian philosophers developed in Ancient Greece. Democracy still prevails as the best form of government, offering guarantees for free and open societies and nations.
As such, the Treaty of Accession to the European Union in Athens of these ten European countries remains a symbol of the heritage of democracy being extended from the very place where it was born.
Hana Ševčíková, Ambassador of the Czech Republic
Andres Talvik, Ambassador of Estonia
Joseph Joseph, Ambassador of Cyprus
Ivars Pundurs, Ambassador of Latvia
Alfonsas Eidintas, Ambassador of Lithuania
Eszter Sándorfi, Ambassador of Hungary
Walter Balzan, Ambassador of Malta
Maciej Krych, Ambassador of Poland
Robert Basej, Ambassador of Slovenia
Peter Michalko, Ambassador of Slovakia
Source: ΑΜΝΑ
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