Transport minister announces drop in public transport fares
Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Minister Michalis Chryssohoidis on Monday announced changes in public transport tariff policy, effective as of September 1.
According to the minister, the monthly pass price will be reduced to 30 euros from 45 euros currently, while ordinary fare will cost 1.20 euros from 1.40 euros
Moreover, the 20-euro monthly pass exclusively for buses and trolley buses will be no longer available and commuters will have to use the 30-euro integrated card.
“A year ago, the increase of the ticket price was an obligation under the memorandum; nevertheless, today we decided to change public transport as well as tariff policy. It’s an act of responsibility,” the minister said.
“Despite the fact we expect these decisions to result in an annual 10 million euro decrease of revenues, we expect an increase of passenger traffic which will compensate for any revenue losses,” he noted.
He also made clear the government would not consider recalling its decision. “This is not just a decrease, it is an integrated intervention; an intervention that paves the way. We need to radically change the way public administration works,” he said.
He also said that ticket inspections would be reinforced, which coupled with the introduction of electronic ticket in two years, would help reduce the number of fare-dodgers. The Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA) will also launch a mobile application, which will enable passengers buy tickets using their mobile phones, while tickets will be available at 5,000 sales points. Moreover, OASA will design its corporate identity in order to regain the public’s trust.
The head of OASA Gregory Dimitriadis pointed out that the aim is to make public transport the top choice for moving around Athens and promote combined transport. According to OASA, 636 million passengers use public transport each year, while on a daily basis there are 1 million single passengers. In the first quarter of 2014, the company saw its revenues rise by 6.3 million euros from cards and tickets compared to the same period of 2013. “This is not circumstantial and it marks the coming back of citizens to public transport,” Dimitriadis said.
source: ΑΜΝΑ
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