FT: Greek unit takes toll on Crédit Agricole
16:00 28/8/2012
- Πηγή: BankWars
Crédit Agricole, the French bank heavily exposed to the eurozone crisis, said it aimed to complete the sale of its Greek subsidiary within weeks as it reported a hefty slide in quarterly net profits driven in large part by losses in both Greece and Italy.
Jean-Paul Chifflet, chief executive, said a deal could
Crédit Agricole said it was in discussions with the Bank of Greece, the Greek financial stability fund and the European Commission on terms for the disposal of Emporiki, which the French lender bought for €2.2bn in 2006 but which has been heavily lossmaking since and has cost it €6bn in writedowns.
Net profits at France’s third-largest bank by market value tumbled 67 per cent in the second quarter compared with the same period a year ago to €111m. The decline included €370m in losses at Emporiki, to which Crédit Agricole said its net funding remained stable at €4.6bn.
The bank was also hit by a €427m loss from its stake in the Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo, in which it has now reduced its holding to less than 2 per cent.
Italy is Crédit Agricole’s second-largest market after France and it also has stakes in banks in Spain and Portugal. It said net losses in its international retail operations were reduced to €271m in the period from €695m a year ago.
Retail subsidiary Cariparma, the French lender’s main arm in Italy, was showing “good resilience”, posting 9 per cent revenue growth in the second quarter.
Overall revenues at Crédit Agricole, a co-operative bank majority owned by its mutual shareholders, were down 14 per cent at €4.7bn in the second quarter, with operating expenses pegged back by 1.8 per cent to €3.3bn.
Like its bigger French peers BNP Paribas and Société Générale, Crédit Agricole is retrenching, including downsizing its corporate and investment banking operations.
Net profits in corporate and investment banking were down 58 per cent in the quarter to €295m, on revenues down 20 per cent at €1.35bn.
Crédit Agricole shares were flat in morning trading at €4.28, against a French market that was down slightly.σχετικά άρθραForbes: With Greece on the Brink, Is it Time to Sell?DW: EU commissioner: Greek eurozone exit ‘manageable’Greek euro exit looms as G8 gathersWSJ: Bond Investors Flee To Safe Havens After Bank DowngradesCNN: Greek banks strain for cashAP: Dollar rises against euro on worries over GreeceThe Guardian: Greek crisis what happens next?Time: Greece Time to Say DankeThe Guardian: Austerity will send Greece to hell, warns Alexis TsiprasWSJ: Greece Deserves Credit, but Debt’s an Issue
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