Οι νικητές των Billboard Latin Music Awards 2014 (photos)
Ήταν μια μεγάλη βραδιά για τους διασημότερους εκπροσώπους της Latinμουσικής σκηνής.
Τα BillboardLatinMusicAwards 2014 πραγματοποιήθηκαν χτες στοBankUnitedCenterστο Miamiκαι το showάνοιξε, προκαλώντας πανζουρλισμό, ο MarcAnthony. Ο δημοφιλέστατος τραγουδιστής πέρα από τη λατρεία των παρευρισκομένων απέσπασε, ανάμεσα σε πολλά άλλα, και τα βραβεία “TopLatinAlbumsMaleArtistoftheYear” και “TropicalAlbumsArtistoftheYear για το ‘3.0’.
Ο Anthonyέδειξε και τις χορευτικές του ικανότητες στη salsaκατά την ερμηνεία της μεγάλης επιτυχίας του “VivirMiVida”, ενώ ένα βραβείο
Η εκρηκτική ατμόσφαιρα διατηρήθηκε με την παρουσία στη σκηνή του EnriqueIglesias ο οποίος ερμήνευσε το καινούργιο του single “Bailando”.
Μια επίσης φλογερή νότα έδωσαν στη βραδιά και οι Wisin καιSeanPaulπου παρουσίασαν μια μίξη reggeaton καιdancehall με το τραγούδι τους “BabyDanger”.
Ιδιαίτερη στιγμή της βραδιάς αποτέλεσε η ερμηνεία του AndreaBoccelliστο κλασικό “Perfidia” σε δική του απόδοση, όπου ένωσε τη φωνή του με τη διεθνούς φήμης ιταλίδα LauraPausini.
Ο Anthonyανέβηκε αρκετές φορές στη σκηνή για να παραλάβει τα βραβεία του και ευχαρίστησε τους φαν που τον επευφημούσαν.
Όμως, δεν ήταν ο μόνος κερδισμένος της βραδιάς. Δείτε την αναλυτική λίστα των νικητών:
Artist of the Year: Marc Anthony
Artist of the Year, New: Luis Coronel
Tour of the Year: Luis Miguel
Social Artist of the Year: Shakira
Crossover Artist of the Year: Bruno Mars
Hot Latin Song of the Year: Marc Anthony “VivirMi Vida”
Hot Latin Song of the Year, Vocal Event: Enrique Iglesias feat. Romeo Santos “Loco”
Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year, Male: Prince Royce
Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year, Female: Thalia
Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: La Arrolladora Banda El Limon De Rene Camacho
Hot Latin Songs Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Hot Latin Songs Imprint of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Airplay Song of the Year: Marc Anthony “VivirMi Vida”
Airplay Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Airplay Imprint of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Digital Song of the Year: Marc Anthony “VivirMi Vida”
Streaming Song of the Year: Prince Royce “DarteUnBeso”
Top Latin Album of the Year: Marc Anthony “3.0″
Top Latin Albums Artist of the Year, Male: Marc Anthony
Top Latin Albums Artist of the Year, Female: Jenni Rivera
Top Latin Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: La Arrolladora Banda el Limon de Rene Camacho
Top Latin Albums Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Top Latin Albums Imprint of the Year: Fonovisa
Latin Pop Song of the Year: Marc Anthony “VivirMi Vida”
Latin Pop Songs Artist of the Year, Solo: Prince Royce
Latin Pop Songs Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: Chino & Nacho
Latin Pop Airplay Label of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Latin Pop Airplay Imprint of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Latin Pop Album of the Year: Alejandro Fernandez “Confidencias”
Latin Pop Albums Artist of the Year, Solo: Alejandro Fernandez
Latin Pop Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: IlVolo
Latin Pop Albums Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Latin Pop Albums Imprint of the Year: Universal Music Latino
Tropical Song of the Year: Marc Anthony “VivirMi Vida”
Tropical Songs Artist of the Year, Solo: Prince Royce
Tropical Songs Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: Chino & Nacho
Tropical Songs Airplay Label of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Tropical Songs Airplay Imprint of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Tropical Album of the Year: Marc Anthony “3.0″
Tropical Albums Artist of the Year, Solo: Marc Anthony
Tropical Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: El Gran Combo De Puerto Rico
Tropical Albums Label of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Tropical Albums Imprint of the Year: Sony Music Latin
Regional Mexican Song of the Year: La Arrolladora Banda El Limon De Rene Camacho “El Ruido De Tus Zapatos”
Regional Mexican Songs Artist of the Year, Solo: Gerardo Ortiz
Regional Mexican Songs Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: La Arrolladora Banda el Limon De Rene Camacho
Regional Mexican Airplay Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Regional Mexican Airplay Imprint of the Year: Disa
Regional Mexican Album of the Year: Jenni Rivera “La Misma Gran Señora”
Regional Mexican Albums Artist of the Year, Solo: Jenni Rivera
Regional Mexican Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: La Arrolladora Banda El Limon De Rene Camacho
Regional Mexican Albums Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Regional Mexican Albums Imprint of the Year: Fonovisa
Latin Rhythm Song of the Year: Daddy Yankee “Limbo”
Latin Rhythm Songs Artist of the Year, Solo: Don Omar
Latin Rhythm Songs Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: Alexis & Fido
Latin Rhythm Airplay Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Latin Rhythm Airplay Imprint of the Year: Machete
Latin Rhythm Album of the Year: Wisin& Yandel “Lideres”
Latin Rhythm Albums Artist of the Year, Solo: Daddy Yankee
Latin Rhythm Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group: Wisin& Yandel
Latin Rhythm Albums Label of the Year: Universal Music Latin Entertainment
Latin Rhythm Albums Imprint of the Year: Machete
Songwriter of the Year: Anthony “Romeo” Santos
Publisher of the Year: EMI Blackwood Music Inc., BMI
Publishing Corporation of the Year: Sony/ATV Music
Producer of the Year: Anthony “Romeo” Santos
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