Editorial: Assistance

There are problems that concern all of society and are thus handled in a spirit of solidarity.

There are other problems that concern only those who are affected and are handled in a lonely manner, such as the conditions in university dormitories on which Ta Nea has reported today.

The problem has long bedeviled students and their families but it has not concerned the state to the extent that it should have.


appear to have been abandoned and in many areas rents are not affordable as the owners engage in price gouging.

Obviously this is not a problem for those who study in their place of residence but rather for those who attend university in another region.

These are students whose families do not have the economic means to rent an apartment for their child who must thus reside in a downgraded dormitory.

Even those who can rent often pay high prices for unsuitable quarters.

The state has a duty to assist this category of students because free university education cannot be so expensive for some students.

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