Editorial: Desperation

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the Financial Times in an interview that he is not going to base his electoral campaign on charity or handouts.

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos maintains that the country - obviously thanks to him – regained its credibility among European partners and creditors.

The PM and his minister met yesterday

to decide on a new batch of social benefits and handouts.

The issue is not the contrast between words and deeds. This government pledged much that it did not do and did much that it had not told us about. Still, one cannot but note its obsession with the sterile policy of benefits and pledges to everyone, with zero results.

Its persistence in this can be explained. Fearing a Waterloo in the upcoming elections, it is struggling to find a life vest, but just as a life vest cannot save someone lost in the middle of the ocean, so too handouts cannot save a government that is sinking.

The government’s stance is not based on logical and solid foundations.

In reality, the public is not in the least swayed by its benefits and handouts. Yet, the government insists on pursuing its futile strategy.

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