Editorial: Fascism

One would expect that in Greece freedom of speech would be taken for granted but alas that is not always the case.

A self-styled “anarchist collectivity” recently spray painted threatening slogans on a building that is the residence of a well-known journalist.

The fascist mentality underlying such acts is not merely an historical affair.

These supposed anarchists should have known that

the Nazis terrorised Jewish citizens in a similar manner.

The pretext for this inconceivable act also reveals its fascistic motivation.

The culprits in a statement assuming responsibility for the affront stated clearly that the journalist was targeted due to his opinions, to the fact that they disapproved of guests on his shows, and because they simply because detest his views.

These people declare that in the society they dream of the duty articulated by Voltaire to defend the right of others to express differing opinions has no place.

Greek society, however, is dedicated to upholding the principles of tolerance, spirited dialogue and intense debate.

It is opposed to muzzling differing opinions, censorship, intimidation, and violence.

Fascism is intolerable.

Given this background it is jarring to see media outlets reputed to have a democratic sensibility to describe such fascistic attacks as “interventions”.

Is it possible for the state-run wire service to use this term?

It seems that freedom of speech cannot be taken for granted in our country.

It requires and arduous, daily effort.

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