Editorial: Front-and-centre

Over the last years thirty-somethings were considered the “lost generation” of Greece’s great economic crisis.

Younger people in this age bracket saw the society and economy in which they were raised changing extremely rapidly.

When the time came for them to stand on their own two feet, the pandemic came along and deepened their disappointment.

Τhey, too, bear a share of responsibility as they became accustomed to being pampered by political parties and couldn’t see

the forest for the trees.

Yet, there is an historical moment that determines each generation, the moment when they step up front-and-centre.

When the government announced that it was to begin the vaccine rollout for those between the ages of 30-39 nobody expected the enormous response from the very start.

Most people were pleasantly surprised that an age group that was clearly suffering from lockdown fatigue was making appointments to be vaccinated – and indeed with a vaccine (AstraZeneca) that was considered a “left-over” - more swiftly than their parents and grandparents.

If the vaccine rollout continues at the current pace, they will be a step closer to normalcy and can effectively lure the rest of society in the same direction so as to build a wall of immunity.

Their response demonstrated a will to live and awareness of the need for this terrible adventure to come to an end.

The thirty-somethings stepped front-and-centre for the sake of their families and their friends who fear vaccination, and in order to ensure a proper re-start in the summer, which will be crucial for economic recovery.

They did so suddenly, just when no one expected it.

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