Editorial: Mandatory vaccination

The discussion about whether to extend compulsory COVID-19 vaccination – beyond healthcare workers and those who work at old-age homes and care centres – to more professional categories has already begun.

There is a growing number of ruling party cadres who see it as a weapon against the pandemic.

Scientists have publicly recommended enforcement of the measure in the Armed Forces, Greek Police, and certain categories of private sector


The low percentage of vaccinated people in the Armed Forces and security forces must be a cause for concern for the government.

The government spokesman has said that nothing has yet been decided. Yet, other countries have already decided to institute mandatory vaccination in the army, most recently the US.

Obviously, expanding compulsory vaccination is no easy matter. Despite that, it is the right solution in order for the state to protect the health of the enlisted, who live in crowded conditions and for whom they are responsible, and to protect itself.

If a quarantine is enforced at a military base, a ship, or an Air Force base, that could pose a threat to national security.

The example set by workers at public and private old-age homes and facilities treating people with disabilities demonstrates that compulsory vaccination works, as long as one finds a suitable-counter incentive for the unvaccinated.

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