Editorial: No exceptions to the rule

The decision of US President Donald Trumo to cut off funding to the World Health Organisation reminds us yet again of the grave dangers of populism.

His motivations are painfully obvious and transparent.

To escape his responsibility for the poor

management of the pandemic he has decided to blame this crucial international organisation.

Who is to blame for the tragedy that Americans are experiencing today? Others are, of course.

The problem, however, far transcends the borders of America and of politics in the narrow sense.

It is perfectly clear that the only thing Mr. Trump has on his mind is November’s presidential election and his political survival.

Yet that is an issue that concerns US citizens. They will judge why he downplayed the threat, shifting the blame to “foreigners” and now going as far as to downgrade the WHO.

What is of concern to the entire world, however, is the situation that will be faced by an organisation that is necessary not only in the battle against the current pandemic but also in order to effectively manage any future threat that can imperil public health globally.

The world will become more vulnerable without vehicles that can guide global forces in a joint effort.

As everyone has by now understood, there are no exceptions to this rule, not even the President of the United States.

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