Editorial Ta Nea: Political capital

Clearly, whatever political capital was accrued from the third convention of left-wing, main opposition SYRIZA was squandered within 48 hours after it came to a close on 17 April, and the party appears to have entered a period of introspection, despite the decisions taken at the convention.

The spectacle of a settling of accounts between the ideological currents

of the party, both within and outside the convention, with intense clashes and an undeclared war between cadres in the social media, have created a bellicose climate.

That is the backdrop of the 15 May election of the party leader and party organs by the registered members.

It is not befitting a party that seeks to govern the country with realism, nor is it suitable for a party that aspires to be an institutional pillar of the political system, while maintaining its political character and building its capability to attract citizens.

Party conventions should be an opportunity for a political restart and for changes that update political platforms that will be presented to the electorate.

They have nothing to offer if they end up as endless skirmishes between cadres that bear no relation to the needs and quests of our complex era.

SYRIZA is a large party and its leadership intends to restructure it, in order to increase its prospects of coming to power and in order to abandon foolishness, verbalism, and grandiose rhetoric.

It will not be able to make any headway if carries on with such asymmetrical clashes and settling of accounts.

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