Editorial: The rule

In his address to his parliamentary group yesterday, the Prime Minister demonstrated that the only policy that he serves faithfully is that of division and polarisation.

His speech was divisive and deeply populist at a time when the country needs to come together in an environment of political normalcy.

It is certainly to be expected that as the general election approaches one will hear high-pitched rhetoric.


it would be disastrous if the government were to dig up the divisive political dilemmas of the past and resort to rhetoric about corrupt elites which has been used by leaders such as Donald Trump in the US, Matteo Salvini in Italy, Marine Le Pen in France, Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Poland, and other exponents of right-wing and ultra-right populism.

It has become clear that left-wing and right-wing populism do not differ much. They are based on the same type of rhetoric and the same lies and they deceive citizens in the same manner.

The country already experienced all this once during the crisis, in the first six months of SYRIZA’s rule, and it reached the edge of the abyss. The last thing it needs is to go through that again.

The country does not need to be dragged into dangerous situations by a government and a PM who have lost their composure and refuse to reconcile themselves to the idea that in democracies losing power is not the exception but the rule.

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