Editorial: The sole path

Despite the Prime Minister’s pronouncements that the country has returned to normalcy, it is clear that the economy has a long way to go to become that of a “regular” country.

Access to the markets is not prohibitive for normal economies. No normal economy has been saddled with the straight-jacket of huge primary surpluses. No regular economy is subjected to the enhanced surveillance of European institutions and of the IMF.


plain truth is that the economy remains exceptionally fragile.

It is thus obvious that the country’s long path must not be torpedoed by the climate of political uncertainty and instability that the government is nurturing. It must be protected both by the government and opposition parties.

The sole way to do that is to avert protracted uncertainty and a lengthy pre-electoral period.

That is precisely what economic analysts and market players who are closely monitoring events have told Ta Nea, and that is what logic dictates.

Elections are the sole path to political stability. That is the way of democracies.

The government may have clinched a confidence vote in Parliament, but undoubtedly the countdown to its end has begun.

It would be extraordinarily harmful for the government to try to stop the clock.

It would be extremely helpful, however, if it were to lead the country safely to elections.

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