Mitsotakis: Despite the adversities, the country is moving forward
“We honour the anniversary of the founding of the New Democracy (ND) party with the elected representatives of the citizens but also the inseparable relationship with society. Almost half a century later and after 39 months of fruitful governance, ND is the party of all Greeks who look forward and aim high. The
“Despite the adversities, the country is moving forward and leading developments in Europe”
“The 48-year-old ND expresses nowadays the social trend where the patriotism of responsibility meets the modernisation of progress,” said the prime minister, explaining that this has four foundations: the protection of the homeland, an open and productive economy, a fair and democratic society and national unity.
“No government has faced so many obstacles in such a short time. And yet, despite the adversities, the country is moving forward and is a leading actor in developments in Europe, supporting the income of households and businesses and we do all this without undermining the future,” added Kyriakos Mitsotakis in his speech.
“On Monday we are inaugurating the three new metro stations in Piraeus,” Mitsotakis said, pointing out that “we continue to proceed with stability and consistency.”
“We have a difficult winter ahead of us and we have an obligation to ensure that the citizens’ anxiety does not become a flirtation with demagoguery,” Mitsotakis stressed, and attacked SYRIZA, saying that “the opposition is catastrophising about everything, inventing non-existent power cuts and talking about a violation of asylum laws, when the Greek police arrest gangs in the student residences. In short, it is selling expensive lies at a cheap price.”
Referring specifically to the leader of SYRIZA, the prime minister said that “when Mr. Tsipras said that if he had 50 billion euros he would govern until he was bored, this was the most vulgar and cynical old-party logic, which has now been condemned.”
“The dilemma I raised in Thessaloniki is fully valid: if not us, then who will undertake the fate of the country,” Mitsotakis wondered, while explaining: “I do not say this with arrogance, but the opposition will have to explain what alternative it proposes.”
“The ship of the nation requires a strong steersman and a tested crew. We raise the glove and say a strong national vessel means a self-reliant Greece and a strong New Democracy in the governance of the country,” added the prime minister and finished his speech by saying that in the 2023 elections “the first ballot has the weight of the final ballot and will be the foundation of options for tomorrow”.
Source: ANA-MPA
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