Skylakakis – The pandemic has cost Greece 40 billion euros

The Deputy Minister of Finance, Theodoros Skylakakis, spoke about the impact of the climate crisis and the pandemic on the economy, as well as the support for the residents of Northern Evia.

“Some indicators we have from the turnover and the industrial production, and exports, are positive.

For the third quarter, tourism has gone better than we expected. We are better than expected and I believe that then the investment wave that has begun will carry the economy in the near future,” said Mr. Skylakakis.

“The main burden of the climate crisis, of which I believe this year’s fires were a part, will require serious investment in prevention. Some funds are fully foreseen, such as for Civil Protection. Others will need to be reallocated from the Recovery Fund. Therefore, I believe that these needs can be met. ”

As Mr. Skylakakis said, the pandemic has cost our country 40 billion euros, while for the issues of fires an extraordinary budget of 500 million euros was earmarked. There is no doubt that the economy will endure, but this does not undo the intensity of the crises we are experiencing, such as in immigration, and the climate crisis.”

“The Recovery Fund includes money for investment and crop restructuring, not compensation. We have the resources to manage what is to come in the coming years and we are called to manage them wisely. ”

Debt and the pandemic

“Debt is a very important parameter. The key is GDP. If GDP goes better this year, this debt, its denominator, improves significantly. That is, the debt is more manageable. ”

At the same time, there is concern about the pandemic, but there is no possibility of a new lockdown. The picture is clearly negative, but we still have a global pandemic and we do not know what surprise it will bring us.”

In particular, Mr. Skylakakis stressed that in the western world vaccination is progressing, while third world countries are facing a problem with the availability of vaccines.

In addition, there are risks, such as if a stronger mutation occurs, there will be a contraction of the economy.


“Taxation has been drastically reduced this year compared to previous years,” said Mr. Skylakakis. “ENFIA property tax has been reduced, we have a lower income tax, employees to a large extent have tax exemptions if they are affected. The economy, therefore, does not suffer from liquidity.”

As concerns the fire victims of Northern Evia

The platform for the compensation of the fire victims has been opened and the first payments have already been made. Applications will run until September 30.

For Northern Evia there will be many important disbursements that will help residents to move on and stay in their area.

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