Γένοβα: Το σχέδιο ανάπλασης της περιοχής με την μοιραία γέφυρα Morandi

Στη δημοσιότητα έδωσε ο Stefano Boeri τα σχέδια ενός κυκλικού υπερυψωμένου πεζόδρομου που θα δημιουργηθεί κάτω από τη γέφυρα του Renzo Piano, η οποία θα αντικαταστήσει, στη Γένοβα της Ιταλίας, τη Γέφυρα Morandi που κατέρρευσε τον Αύγουστο του 2018, σκοτώνοντας 43 ανθρώπους.

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#PonteMorandi, via alla demolizione con l’esplosivo del moncone est. #Genova entra nel suo futuro. #liguria #28giugno #liguria


post shared by Giovanni Toti (@giovatoti) on Jun 28, 2019 at 1:16am PDT

Ο πεζόδρομος σχεδιάστηκε από το αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο Stefano Boeri Architetti, σε συνεργασία με τα στούντιο Metrogramma Milano και Inside Outside, και σύμφωνα με το ΑΠΕ αποτελεί μέρος του ευρύτερου σχεδίου για το Πάρκο Πολτσεβέρα και τον Κόκκινο Κύκλο που στοχεύουν «να δώσουν νέα πνοή» στο τοπίο που ανακάμπτει μετά την κατάρρευση της γέφυρας.

«Το Πάρκο Πολτσεβέρα και ο Κόκκινος Κύκλος επινοήθηκαν ως ένα σύστημα πάρκων με ποικίλες οικολογίες και δομές» διευκρινίζουν από το γραφείο Stefano Boeri Architetti.

Στο κέντρο του, ένας γιγαντιαίος πεζόδρομος θα δώσει σάρκα και οστά σε έναν κυκλικό «διάδρομο» για ποδηλάτες και πεζούς, επιτρέποντάς τους να κινούνται εύκολα ανάμεσα στα πάρκα και τα κτήρια. Με μήκος 1.570 μέτρων και ακτίνα 250 μέτρων, θα είναι κατασκευασμένος από χάλυβα, ως αναφορά στην ισχυρή τοπική παράδοση υψικαμίνων και γερανών.

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Nel processo di rigenerazione di quella fetta di Genova rimasta schiacciata dal crollo del #pontemorandi ,lo studio @stefanoboeriarchitetti , assieme a @metrogramma e @insideoutsideamsterdam , ha vinto il concorso per il progetto urbano dell’area. Si tratta di un sistema di parchi dalle diverse ecologie, infrastrutture per una mobilità sostenibile ed edifici intelligenti per la ricerca e la produzione, con l’obiettivo di capovolgere l’immagine attuale della valle del Polcevera, da luogo complesso e tragicamente disastrato a territorio dell’innovazione sostenibile per il rilancio del capoluogo ligure. Il segno distintivo sta nel cerchio rosso (che dà anche il nome al progetto, Il Parco del Polcevera e il Cerchio Rosso), un anello che corre sotto il nuovo ponte con un percorso ciclo/pedonale con un colore scelto come memoria di una potente tradizione di altoforni, gru, carroponti. Il Cerchio Rosso di acciaio è infatti, prima di tutto, un dispositivo di relazione: un sistema ciclo-pedonale della lunghezza di 1570 metri, dell’ampiezza di 6 e di raggio 250, e distribuzione di energia rinnovabile che si apre al quartiere in corrispondenza della nuova Stazione e con una Torre del Vento dell’altezza di 120 metri che ne conclude il percorso. Quest’ultima accoglie un sistema di turbine eoliche e appartiene, come il Cerchio Rosso, al nuovo network energetico del Polcevera messo a punto grazie al contributo dello studio tedesco @transsolaracademy Fonte: living.corriere.it @livingcorriere

A post shared by Arch:tettura (@4rchitettura) on Oct 11, 2019 at 5:29am PDT

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Presented today PARCO DEL PONTE in Genoa. • #project link in bio read on #website https://www.stefanoboeriarchitetti.net/en/project/parco-del-ponte-in-genoa/ • • Project credits: STEFANO BOERI ARCHITETTI (Group leader/urban projects) Stefano Boeri (Founding Partner) con Sara Gangemi (Project leader), Moataz Faissal Farid (Senior architect), Francesca Pincella (Junior architect), Jacopo Colatarci (Junior architect) METROGRAMMA MILANO (Architectural Design) Andrea Boschetti (Founding Partner) con Francesco Betta (Technical Director), Arianna Piva (Project Leader), Andrea G. Bulloni (Architect), Anna Bartolaccio (Architect), Andrea Casazza (Architect), Andrea Roma (Architect) INSIDE OUTSIDE | PETRA BLAISSE (Landscape Design) Petra Blaisse (Founding Partner and lead designer) with Desirée Pierluigi (architect), Camilla Panzeri and with Jana Crepon (Partner and landscape project leader) With: MIC | Mobility in Chain (Mobility, traffic, infrastructures) Federico Parolotto (Senior Partner), Giuseppe Andrea Vallelonga (Senior Consultant), Gaia Sgaramella (Consultant), Gloriana Barboza (Consultant), Loris Sciacchitano (Consultant) Studio Laura Gatti (Agronomist and Environmental Requalifiation) Laura Gatti (Founder), Marco Peterle (Senior agronomist), Luca Leporati (Agronomist), Silvia Isacco (Senior Architect) Transsolar Energietechnik (Environmental comfort and Energy efficiency) Tommaso Bitossi (Project Manager), Clara Bondi (Junior Engineer), Thomas Auer (Founding Partner) Antonio Secondo Accotto (Geologist) Consultants H&A Associati (Urban transformation and economic assessments) Carlo Pagan (Founder & Partner and CEO of MESA srl), Alessia Mangialardo (Senior Architect) Studio Luca Vitone (Artist) Tempo Riuso (Participatory processes) Isabella Inti (CEO), Giulia Cantaluppi (funding partner), Camilla Ponzano (senior architect) Renderings The Big Picture, Renovatio design Graphics 46xy – Mario Piazza / Lorenzo Mazzali • • #genova #parcodelponte #stefanoboeriarchitetti #newproject #masterplan #architecture #redcircle #park #polcevera #italy #bridge #cerchiorosso #torre #tower #torredelvento #community #network #relationship #green

A post shared by Stefano Boeri Architetti SBA (@stefanoboeriarchitetti) on Oct 3, 2019 at 6:34am PDT

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#GENOVA #PARCODELPONTE The urban project, named "The Polcevera Park and The Red Circle" has been thought out as a system of parks with different ecologies and infrastructures for sustainable mobility and smart buildings for R&D and manufacturing with the aim of reversing the current image of the Polcevera valley, from a complex and tragically devastated place to a territory of sustainable innovation for the rejuvenation of Genoa itself. • Il progetto urbano, denominato “Il Parco del Polcevera e il Cerchio Rosso”, è pensato come un sistema di parchi dalle diverse ecologie, infrastrutture per una mobilità sostenibile ed edifici intelligenti per la ricerca e la produzione, con l’obiettivo di capovolgere l’immagine attuale della valle del Polcevera, da luogo complesso e tragicamente disastrato a territorio dell’innovazione sostenibile per il rilancio di Genova stessa. • • #project link in bio read on #website https://www.stefanoboeriarchitetti.net/en/project/parco-del-ponte-in-genoa/ • • Project credits: STEFANO BOERI ARCHITETTI (Group leader/urban projects) Stefano Boeri (Founding Partner) con Sara Gangemi (Project leader), Moataz Faissal Farid (Senior architect), Francesca Pincella (Junior architect), Jacopo Colatarci (Junior architect) METROGRAMMA MILANO (Architectural Design) Andrea Boschetti (Founding Partner) con Francesco Betta (Technical Director), Arianna Piva (Project Leader), Andrea G. Bulloni (Architect), Anna Bartolaccio (Architect), Andrea Casazza (Architect), Andrea Roma (Architect) INSIDE OUTSIDE | PETRA BLAISSE (Landscape Design) Petra Blaisse (Founding Partner and lead designer) with Desirée Pierluigi (architect), Camilla Panzeri and with Jana Crepon (Partner and landscape project leader) With: MIC | Mobility in Chain (Mobility, traffic, infrastructures) Studio Laura Gatti (Agronomist and Environmental Requalifiation) Transsolar Energietechnik (Environmental comfort and Energy efficiency) Antonio Secondo Accotto (Geologist) Consultants H&A Associati (Urban transformation and economic assessments) Studio Luca Vitone (Artist) Tempo Riuso (Participatory processes) #renderings @bigpicturevisual @renovatiodesign #graphics #46xy #mariopiazza

A post shared by Stefano Boeri Architetti SBA (@stefanoboeriarchitetti) on Oct 4, 2019 at 2:55am PDT

Ο πεζόδρομος θα σηματοδοτείται από έναν πύργο-ανεμογεννήτρια, ύψους 120 μέτρων, για να τροφοδοτούνται με «πράσινη» ενέργεια τα κτήρια της περιοχής. Κάτω από τον πεζόδρομο θα είναι το Πάρκο Πολτσεβέρα, διαχωρισμένο σε «σειρά χωραφιών» που θα ευθυγραμμίζονται με τους στύλους-υποστυλώματα της καινούργιας γέφυρας την οποία σχεδίασε ο Piano.

Επιπλέον, τα αρχιτεκτονικά στούντιο θα ενσωματώσουν στην καρδιά του Πάρκου την εγκατάσταση «Η Γένοβα στο Δάσος» του καλλιτέχνη Luca Vitone: 43 δέντρα στη μνήμη των θυμάτων της κατάρρευσης της γέφυρας. Στην εγκατάσταση θα υπάρχουν επίσης παγκάκια με παράξενα σχήματα όπως ρόδες και σταυροί, δημιουργώντας ήσυχες γωνιές για διάβασμα ανάμεσα στα δέντρα.

Το συνολικό σχέδιο για το Πάρκο Πολτσεβέρα και τον Κόκκινο Κύκλο συμπληρώνουν συστάδες βιομηχανικών κτηρίων γύρω από τις πλευρές του πάρκου -σχεδιασμένες από το στούντιο Metrogramma Milano- με την ελπίδα να αποτελέσουν έναν βιώσιμο κόμβο καινοτομίας για την πόλη.

Το όλο πρότζεκτ θα εξελίσσεται παράλληλα με την κατασκευή της καινούργιας γέφυρας, την οποία ο ίδιος ο Renzo Piano έχει περιγράψει ως «μια πολύ γενοβέζικη γέφυρα».

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Luca Vitone’s installation “Genova in the wood” has been commissioned as part of an urban renewal project intended to breathe new life into a landscape still recovering from the Morandi Bridge collapse in 2018. The project has been called the Polcevera Park and the Red Circle and intends to create a space of sustainable innovation and rejuvenation. . “Genova in the wood” is an art installation featuring 43 trees dedicated to the memory of the victims of the collapse and to the infinite fallibility of mankind while also acting as a symbol of Genova’s strength. . In Luca Vitone’s own words: “Each tree will be dedicated to a Ligurian figure from every period of the cultural scene… Figures that were born in the region or that have found in the region the right environment for their growth, individuals who, with their imagination, were able to contribute and export in the world the image of Genova and Liguria. Each name of the author will be hidden by its anagram that will give the title to the plant and it will be up to the visitor, as in any puzzle game, to discover the person to whom the tree is dedicated.” . In 2018, Luca Vitone created a print for our series on Justice called Eppur si muove (dettaglio I). Like a watchful angry eye, or an alternative rendering of a protester’s flag, his print speaks of the urgency of Justice. . #lucavitone #justice #boeri #polceveraparkandtheredcircle #genova #pontemorandi . . . @stefanoboeriarchitetti

A post shared by Juxta Press (@juxtapress_it) on Oct 15, 2019 at 3:08am PDT

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Martedì 8 ottobre alle 12, presso la sala conferenze dell’Istituto Don Bosco di Sampierdarena, il progetto #ParcoDelPonte verrà presentato alla cittadinanza. L’interlocuzione pubblica è parte di un processo partecipativo aperto che coinvolge attivamente la comunità, l’amministrazione, gli stakeholder locali. Il progetto si fonda su un concetto di ricostruzione intesa non solo dal punto di vista architettonico e urbanistico, ma soprattutto dal punto di vista sociale. • • #genova #parcodelponte #presentazione #stefanoboeriarchitetti #stefanoboeri #architecture #cerchiorosso #redcircle #urban #sustainable #development

A post shared by Stefano Boeri Architetti SBA (@stefanoboeriarchitetti) on Oct 7, 2019 at 9:30am PDT

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The Red Steel Circle – a symbolic element and embodiment of the "urban sewing" of the two sides of the valley – develops changing its nature: it becomes a walkway, a raised square, an access and exit ramp, a corridor between the buildings or an underground path and connects all the different territories, highlighting the great urban botanical park: the Polcevera Park. A new regenerated site that will run under the new bridge, designed by Renzo Piano to replace the Morandi Bridge that mostly collapsed in August 2018 causing a tragic accident and several deaths. • Il Cerchio Rosso di acciaio -elemento simbolico e manifesto di una ricucitura urbana tra le due sponde della vallata- si sviluppa cambiando natura: diventa infatti passerella, piazza sopraelevata, rampa di accesso e uscita, corridoio tra gli edifici oppure percorso ipogeo e connette tra di loro tutti i diversi territori, esaltando il grande parco botanico urbano, il Parco del Polcevera. Un nuovo luogo rigenerato che correrà sotto il nuovo ponte, progettato da Renzo Piano in sostituzione del Ponte Morandi di cui, nell’agosto del 2018, è crollata una parte significativa causando un tragico incidente e diverse vittime. • • • #project link in bio read on #website https://www.stefanoboeriarchitetti.net/en/project/parco-del-ponte-in-genoa/ • • Project credits: STEFANO BOERI ARCHITETTI (Group leader/urban projects) Stefano Boeri (Founding Partner) con Sara Gangemi (Project leader), Moataz Faissal Farid (Senior architect), Francesca Pincella (Junior architect), Jacopo Colatarci (Junior architect) METROGRAMMA MILANO (Architectural Design) Andrea Boschetti (Founding Partner) con Francesco Betta (Technical Director), Arianna Piva (Project Leader), Andrea G. Bulloni (Architect), Anna Bartolaccio (Architect), Andrea Casazza (Architect), Andrea Roma (Architect) INSIDE OUTSIDE | PETRA BLAISSE (Landscape Design) Petra Blaisse (Founding Partner and lead designer) with Desirée Pierluigi (architect), Camilla Panzeri and with Jana Crepon (Partner and landscape project leader) • • #genova #parcodelponte #stefanoboeriarchitetti #newproject #architecture #masterplan #redcircle #park #regenerative #urban #development

A post shared by Stefano Boeri Architetti SBA (@stefanoboeriarchitetti) on Oct 5, 2019 at 12:13am PDT

Τυχαία Θέματα