Κοροναϊός στην Κίνα: Σοκαριστικό βίντεο με ανθρώπους να καταρρέουν στο δρόμο

Σοκ προκαλεί βίντεο που κάνει το γύρο του διαδικτύου.

Δείχνει ανθρώπους στην πόλη Ουχάν απ΄όπου ξεκίνησε ο κοροναϊός να καταρρέουν στο δρόμο.

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WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Repost from @karmagawa PLEASE SHARE THIS URGENT POST ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS THAT’S BREAKING OUT WORLDWIDE WITH YOUR FOLLOWERS RIGHT NOW — so far there have been 56 deaths and 2,090 confirmed cases worldwide, but the number of people infected has

increased greatly the past 72 hours and rumored to be much higher, as the nurse says in one of these videos says, there could be 90,000 people infected and each person infected can unknowingly infect many other people too…do you remember the movie Contagion? We don’t want to freak anyone out, but instead make everyone aware of what’s happening to save lives so be sure to follow @karmagawa and we’ll keep updating everyone as this crisis develops. There’s already a quarantine in effect on over 60 million people in China, but even with lock down, this virus has already spread to 10 other countries with confirmed cases, including 3 confirmed cases in the US with the latest happening just a few hours ago in Orange County, California. Please do not travel if you have a cough or fever and it’s good to be over-protective right now so wear masks when you go out, try to avoid heavily crowded areas and wash your hands frequently with soap and hand sanitizer. There’s no cure or vaccine for this virus yet so let’s all be over-protective and also share this URGENT post with your social media followers, friends and family because we MUST GET THE WORD OUT ASAP to prevent further spreading of this virus — as you can see in these videos, it’s something out of a movie as those who are infected are literally falling over in the streets and nurses and hospitals are overwhelmed so we must alert EVERYONE about this crisis RIGHT NOW! Please join us in praying for the victims and the world too and share this post with your followers and tag people, celebrities, influencers and news media that need to see this now to save lives and limit the spread of this outbreak as best we can. #coronavirus #coronavirusoutbreak #karmagawa

A post shared by SaveTheReef (@savethereef) on Jan 26, 2020 at 11:23am PST

Στο βίντεο που προέρχεται από τα social media,  φαίνονται άνθρωποι να καταρρέουν στο δρόμο και στις αίθουσες αναμονής των νοσοκομείων, την στιγμή που 81 ανθρωποι έχουν χάσει τη ζωή τους στην Κίνα από τον κοροναϊό.

Τα επιβεβαιωμένα κρούσματα, στη χώρα εξάλλου έφτασαν σε τουλάχιστον 2.744 παρά τις προσπάθειες να αποτραπεί η εξάπλωση εντός κι εκτός χώρας.

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