Θλίψη στην showbiz: Πέθανε γνωστός ηθοποιός

Θλίψη σκόρπισε στον κόσμο της διεθνούς showbiz η είδηση του θανάτου του γνωστού και πολύ αγαπητού ηθοποιού Σέιν Ρίμερ.

Ο Καναδός ηθοποιός, Σέιν Ρίμερ, έφυγε από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 89 ετών την Παρασκευή 29 Μαρτίου, ενώ η αιτία θανάτου του παραμένει μέχρι στιγμής άγνωστη.

Ο γνωστός και πολύ αγαπητός ηθοποιός έλαβε μέρος σε περισσότερες από εκατό κινηματογραφικές ταινίες, ανάμεσα στις οποίες «Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope» , «Superman» και «Batman Begins».

Ο Σέιν Ρίμερ κατά τη διάρκεια της υποκριτικής του καριέρας,

έκανε επίσης περάσματα και από τέσσερις ταινίες του Τζέιμς Μποντ («Dr. Strangelove»,«The Spy Who Loved Me» , «You Only Live Twice» και «Diamonds Are Forever»).

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In tribute to Shane Rimmer, a production still with Roger Moore during filming for The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) #Bond #jamesbond #jamesbond007 #thespywholovedme #rogermoore #shanerimmer #ripshanerimmer #commandercarter #1977 Visit the archive > www.thunderballs.org

A post shared by THUNDERBALLS (@thunderballs007) on Mar 29, 2019 at 3:59pm PDT

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In Memoriam: Shane Rimmer. Shane Rimmer who was Commander Carter in The Spy Who Loved Me has passed away at the age of 89. Our condolences. https://www.007travelers.com/congratulations-and-condolences/in-memoriam-shane-rimmer/ #ShaneRimmer #JamesBond #InMemoriam #RIP

A post shared by 007 Travelers (@007travelers) on Mar 29, 2019 at 4:56am PDT

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It is with great sadness that we share the news that Shane Rimmer has died. Shane provided the voice of Scott Tracy in the British television series Thunderbirds. He was a regular guest at both BritSciFi and Anderson events at the @SpaceCentre. Our thoughts are with Shane’s wife Sheila and his family. He will be missed. @thunderbirdshq Photo: IMDB #RIP #ShaneRimmer #FAB #Anderson #ScottTracy #Thunderbirds #ThunderbirdsAreGo

A post shared by National Space Centre (@spacecentre) on Mar 29, 2019 at 5:51am PDT

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Actor Shane Rimmer has died. Shane portrayed Seth Harper in the William Hartnell serial The Gunfighters. He was perhaps best known for providing the voice of Scott Tracy in Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds. He also worked on several other Anderson series including UFO and Space: 1999. He appeared in several James Bond films (most notably as the US submarine captain in The Spy Who Loved Me), and has also had small roles in films such as Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Superman, and Batman Begins. Shane attended the William Hartnell blue plaque unveiling at @ealingstudios last October and recorded his memories of working with William for our YouTube feature. Our condolences to Shane’s widow Shelia, his friends and family. #doctorwho #drwho #dwas #rip #shanerimmer #williamhartnell #doctorwhofandom #whovians #bbc #scifi #geek #fan #fans

A post shared by Dr Who Appreciation Society (@dwasonline) on Mar 29, 2019 at 5:08am PDT

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#RIP #restinpeace SHANE RIMMER (May 1929 – March 29th 2019) Thunderbirds, Gandhi, Superman The Movie, Superman II, Superman III, The Spy who loved me, Star Wars, Rollerball, The People that time forgot, Diamonds Are Forever, You only live twice, guest appearance: The Saint, Danger Man, #shanerimmer #actor #superman #jamesbond #starwars #thesaint #batman #thespywholovedme #gandhi #thunderbirds #instagaysingle and #moviefans #moviehistorian #bluraycollection #dvdcollector #moviecollector

A post shared by Swissangel4616 (@swissangel4616toni) on Mar 30, 2019 at 4:56am PDT

Ο Σέιν Ρίμερ έγινε επίσης γνωστός όταν δάνεισε τη φωνή του στον ήρωα της τηλεοπτικής εκπομπής Thunderbirds, Σκοτ Τρέισι.

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RIP #ShaneRimmer, from #JamesBond to #Batman. From #DrStrangelove to #StarWars he did it all. #Rollerball #Superman #Gandhi #DrWho to name but a few. A regular of #GerryAnderson productions, he appeared & voiced many beloved characters but was most famous for #ScottTracy in #Thunderbirds.

A post shared by The Avengers Tv Show (@theavengerstvshow) on Mar 29, 2019 at 5:22pm PDT

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Im just heartbroken right now was not ready for this rip Shane Rimmer aka Scott Tracy I've watched Thunderbirds all my childhood and still do as Scott Tracy was my favourite and will always remain my favourite my deepest condolences to his family #Thunderbirds #shanerimmer @gerryandersontv @imjamieanderson

A post shared by Allahrakhi (@allahrakhi.divya7) on Mar 29, 2019 at 5:30am PDT

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