Τα Achievements του Metro: Last Light
13:07 2/4/2013
- Πηγή: Video Games 24
Προσοχή - Spoiler
Το φως της δημοσιότητας είδαν τα achievements του επερχόμενου Metro: Last Light. Ο FPS τίτλος των Deep Silver και 4A Games αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει στις 17 Μαΐου στην Ευρώπη σε PS3,
Αν θέλετε να μην γνωρίζετε πολλά πριν την κυκλοφορία του τίτλου ίσως είναι η καλύτερη στιγμή να αποσυρθείτε από το νέο, καθώς η λίστα με τα achievements περιέχει αρκετά spoilers.
Achevements List:-Soldier - Kill 100 Human Enemies (15G)-Antibiotic - Kill 100 Mutants (15G)-Shadow - Stealthily kill 15 Enemies (20G)-Inferno - Set 2 Enemies on fire at once (10G)-Tesla - Break 50 Lights (10G)-Edison - Turn off 40 Lights without breaking them (15G)-Ever Vigilant - Disarm 10 Traps (10G)-Businessman - Make 100 Purchases (10G)-Walking Bank - Collect 1000 Military Rounds (10G)-Musician - Use all Musical Instruments in the game (10G)-First Draft - Write 10 of Artyom's hidden Diary pages (10G)-Published - Complete all 43 of Artyom's hidden Diary pages (30G)-Rabbit - Complete training sequence (10G)-Not A Rabbit - Finish the ASHES level without taking a hit (10G)-Freedom! - Free the Prisoners (10G)-Clean Escape - Escape the chasing Nazis on the REICH level without being caught once (10G)-Invisible Intruder - Complete the Separation level without killing or raising alarm (20G)-A Present - Take the Custom Pistol from the Locked Box (10G)-Invisible Savior - Complete the FACILITY level without killing or raising alarm (20G)-Tortoise - Make 10 Spiders flip belly-up (10G)-Mouse - Complete the ECHOES level undetected by the Watchmen (10G)-Patron of the Arts - Watch the entire Theater Show (10G)-Within a Hair of Death - Escape from the Red Line (10G)-Derailed - Kill all armed enemies on the REVOLUTION level, including all reinforcements (10G)-Invisible Soldier - Complete the REVOLUTION level without killing and raising an alarm (20G)-Scram - Kill all Watchmen before they reach the Railcar (20G)-Commando - Rescue the Women and Children on the BANDITS level without raising alarm (15G)-Soup - Kill 5 Shrimp with Grenades (15G)-Reunion - Find and return the crying child's Teddy Bear (10G)-Diver - Fall in the Swamp 10 times (10G)-Equipped - Find all Equipment Stashes in the swamps (20G)-Big Momma - Kill the Rhino (20G)-Savior - Remove your mask when Lesnitsky demands it (20G)-Forgotten - Find the Hidden Ammo in the abandoned part of the station on the QUARANTINE level (15G)-Nobody's Home - Ignore the Phone Call in the Anomaly (10G)-Bloodlust - Kill all the Reds on the THE CHASE level (10G)-Van Helsing - Kill a Demon with the Helsing (30G)-Rain Man - Complete the BRIDGE level without a kill (30G)-Secret - Find out about the Reds' plans (10G)-Back to the Past - See all Visions in the Dead City (20G)-Revenge - Kill Pavel (35G)-Forest Guardian - Save the Bear from the Watchmen after the fight (20G)-Revelation - Make Moskvin tell the truth with help from the Dark One (25G)-True Spartan - Hold the Platform without dying (50G)-C'est la vie - Destroy D6 (80G)-Redemption - Save D6 (100G)-No shooting allowed - Kill 10 enemies in a row with Throwing Knives (10G)-Gunslinger - Kill at least one Enemy with each Weapon available in the game (15G)-Weapon Smith - Install all possible Customizations for a Weapon (15G)-Shadow Ranger - Complete the game without killing any Humans unless forced to (70G)Keywords
metro, light, metro, light, το φως, xbox 360, on fire, φως, fps, games, μαΐου, ps3, xbox, list, set, fire, military, game, write, rabbit, hit, free, escape, custom, box, watchmen, watch, hair, red, revolution, women, find, times, home, phone, city, guardian, fight, dying, row, smith, van helsing, watchmen, φως, fps, games, game, guardian, ps3, times, xbox 360, ευρωπη, μαΐου, το φως, τιτλος, box, phone, big, city, custom, dying, free, escape, revolution, fight, find, fire, hair, hit, home, watch, list, military, inferno, on fire, patron, rabbit, red, reunion, row, secret, set, shadow, smith, tesla, write, women
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