5 τραγούδια που ήταν στο repeat όλη την εβδομάδα που πέρασε
Η αλήθεια είναι ότι αυτή την εβδομάδα “σκάλωσε” λίγο το μυαλό και δυσκολεύτηκε λίγο στο να βρει κάτι “catchy” για τη 5 Things στήλη. Κατά τη διάρκεια του brainstorming με αποσυντόνιζαν οι στίχοι και ο ρυθμός συγκεκριμένων κομματιών που έπαιζαν στο repeat όλη την εβδομάδα. Έτσι λοιπόν αποφάσισα να γράψω για αυτά τα κομμάτια. Άλλωστε κάτι που έχει να κάνει με μουσική, δεν είναι ΠΟΤΕ βαρετό.
Για πάμε να τα δούμε…
1) “Hard Sun” Eddie Vedder.
Frontman των Pearl Jam.
When I walk beside her
I am the better man
When I look to leave her
I always stagger back again
Once I built an ivory tower
So I could worship from above
When I climb down to be set free
She took me in again
There’s a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
When she comes to greet me
She is mercy at my feet
And I, I see her inner charm
She just throws it back at me
Once I dug an early grave
To find a better land
She just smiled and laughed at me
And took her rules back again
There’s a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
Oh, there’s a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
When I go to cross that river
She is comfort by my side
When I try to understand
She just opens up her hands
There’s a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
Once I stood to lose her
When I saw what I had done
Bowed down and threw away the hours
Of her garden and her sun
So I tried to warn her
I turned to see her weep
Forty days and forty nights
And it’s still coming down on me
There’s a big
A big hard sun
Beating on the big people
In a big hard world
Eddie Vedder
2) “Think Of Me” Good Riddance
Μια ολόκληρη CD-θήκη (ετών 12!) με punk-rock compilations βρέθηκε στα χέρια μου καθώς σκάλιζα τη βιβλιοθήκη μου και με μεγάλη μου χαρά τη μετέφερα στο αμάξι μου όπου τα “έσπαγα” μόνη μου σε όλες μου τις διαδρομές της προηγούμενης εβδομάδας. Σε ένα από τα CD, στο No4 ήταν το “Think Of Me” των Good Riddance. Είχα να το ακούσω χρόνια και ομολογώ ότι ακόμα και τώρα που γράφω μου “σκάει” o ρυθμός των drums στο μυαλό. Παρόλη την μικρή διάρκεια του κομματιού, κατάφερε να μου φτιάξει τη διάθεση μιας ολόκληρης εβδομάδας.
I never knew how good I had it
I had to treat you like a habit
it became what I’d guess you call a slight obsession
now I’ve had some time to work it out
way too much time to be without
the one I’ve wanted
you’re my right direction
when you’re back there
do you think of me
when you’re alone
before you sleep
you are the one
I’m waiting for
this time’s not like before
I’m going to carry you away
thinking good things now
I know we’ll work it out somehow
I try to keep my chin up but it’s so hard to let you go
it never hurt before to be alone
now your voice is salvation on the phone
I only wish you weren’t so far away
Good Riddance
3) “Just A Boy” Angus & Julia Stone
Αυτά τα αδέλφια από την Αυστραλία με έχουν μαγέψει το τελευταίο τρίμηνο. Τα Folk / Blues / Acoustic κομμάτια τους με ταξιδεύουν και με ηρεμούν. Πολύ ρομαντικοί, μελωδικοί και ήσυχοι. Όνειρο.
I bit my tongue in the ark of conversation
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
I met you once and I’d fallen for your notions
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
Do you believe that there’s treasures in the ocean?
Did I say I’m just a boy?
One kiss from you and I’m drunk up on your potion
That big old smile is all you wore
Girl, you make me want to feel
The things I’ve never felt before
Girl, you make me want to feel
Did I say I’m just a boy?
Did I say I’m just a boy?
You hold me to that
No lonely hands grab my suitcase full of nothing
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
You took me in gave me something to believe in
That big old smile is all you wore
Girl, you make me want to feel
Things I never felt before
Girl, you make me want to feel
Did I say I’m just a boy?
Did I say I’m just a boy?
You can hold me to that
Girl, you make me want to feel
Things I’ve never felt before
Girl, you make me want to feel
Did I say I’m just a boy?
Did I say I’m just a boy?
You can hold me to that
Angus & Julia Stone
4) “Keep Slipping Away” A Place To Bury Strangers
Τους έμαθα πριν λίγες ημέρες (ΝΤΡΟΠΗ ΜΟΥ!) από μια φίλη που ξέρει ΠΟΛΛΑ για μουσική, κυρίως για rock μουσική. (Ξέρεις εσύ ποια είσαι.) Μου έστειλε δύο κομμάτια τους και με συνεπήραν. Επακολούθησε έρευνα στο internet και playlists στο YouTube. Το σκάλωμα το έφαγα με το “Keep Slipping Away”. Έπαιζαν live στην Αθήνα το Σάββατο που μας πέρασε αλλά λόγω δυνατού hangover που ήταν αδύνατο να πάω. Ένα από τα resolutions της επόμενης χρονιάς είναι να τους δω live. Οπουδήποτε._
I sit here waiting as time keeps slipping away
In my heart are all the words that I want to say
Without you I know that I’d wanna die
And with you I know my heart would always try
You have my heart
You have my soul
True love
It should last forever
Time’s slipping away
I can’t shut up my mouth I have to say how I feel
Cause when I can’t control my heart I know that it’s real
I hold on tight and try to convince you stay
And have my heart tell you what I’ve been dying say
You have my heart
You have my soul
True love
It should last forever
Time’s slipping away
My mind’s made up and I know that I want you
Because these words and feeling of love are all true
I’ll never say it but I always want you to know
As each day goes by my love continues to grow
You have my heart
You have my soul
True love
It should last forever, forever
You don’t remember me
I sit here waiting as the years keep slipping away
In my heart were all of the words that I wanted to say
I didn’t get the chance to show my feelings were real
And my heart would never tell you just how I feel
My hopes and dreams are crushed and have washed away
Leaving my heart empty and without a word to say
My hopes and dreams are crushed and have slipped away
My hopes and dreams are crushed and all washed away
A Place To Bury Strangers
5) “Mind Your Manners” Pearl Jam.
Ο Eddie και η μπάντα του έχουν την τιμητική τους αυτή την εβδομάδα. Νέο album που αποδεικνύει ότι οι ΚΑΛΕΣ μπάντες μένουν αναλλοίωτες στον χρόνο.
I’ve got an unfortunate feelin’, I’ve been beaten down
I feel I don’t believe and now the truth is coming out
What they’ve taken is more than a vow
They’ve taken your innocence and then they throw them on a burning fire
All along they’re sayin” mind your manners
I caught myself believin” that I needed God
And if it’s hard for some we sure could use it now
Try my patience, my patience tried
This world’s no longer good enough that makes me wanna cry
All along they’re sayin” mind your manners
Silence save him
Self-realized and metaphysically redeemed
May not live another life
May not solve a mystery
Right around the corner
Could be bigger than ourselves
We could will it to the sky
Or we could something else
No longer sayin” mind your manners
Always burning
Self-realized and metaphysically redeemed
May not live another life
May not solve a mystery
Right around the corner
Could be bigger than ourselves
We could will it to the sky
Or we could something else
Go to Heaven
That’s swell
How do you like it
Livin” Hell
Go to Heaven
That’s swell
How do you like it
Livin” Hell
Go to Heaven
That’s swell
How do you like it
Livin” Hell
Livin” Hell!
Pearl Jam
Σας τα αφιερώνω.
Till the next one,
Σας φιλώ
(6) Bonus Track αυτή την εβδομάδα το “Heroes” του David Bowie
Cover “Heroes” του David Bowie
1) Γιατί μου έφεραν δώρο το βινύλιο για τα γενέθλιά μου.
2) Γιατί στο Rock party των γενεθλίων μου ήταν όλοι οι ΦΙΛΟΙ μου και επειδή αυτοί είναι my Heroes.
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