Destiny: Collector’s Editions

Σε σημερινή ανακοίνωση, η Bungie μας παρουσίασε τα 3 “Collector’s versions” του Destiny.

1. Limited Edition


-Limited Edition SteelBook™ Case and Game Disc
-Guardian Folio, containing:
-“Arms and Armament” Field Guide: Many believe the weapons and armor featured in this record are a myth.

You will learn the truth.
-Postcards from the Golden Age: Our worlds have been claimed by our enemies. Now, it’s time to take them back.
-Antique Star Chart: Explore the wild frontiers of our solar system. Discover all that we have lost.
-Collector’s Edition Digital Content: The City has provided you with a cache of items to start you on your journey, including:
-A Unique Ghost Casing
-An Exclusive Player Emblem
-An Exclusive Player Ship Skin
-Includes the Destiny Expansion Pass*

2. Ghost Edition


-Limited Edition SteelBook™ Case and Game Disc
-Ghost Replica: This is your motion-sensing Ghost, featuring lights and audio from the game. May it lead you through the Darkness.
-Letter of Introduction: These worlds were once ours. If you accept your destiny, you will be asked to do the impossible.
-Golden Age Relics, which include a Patch, Sticker, and two Chrome slides of the Traveler
-Guardian Folio, containing:
-“Arms and Armament” Field Guide: Many believe the weapons and armor featured in this record are a myth. -You will learn the truth.
-Postcards from the Golden Age: Our worlds have been claimed by our enemies. Now, it’s time to take them back.
-Antique Star Chart: Explore the wild frontiers of our solar system. Discover all that we have lost.
-Collector’s Edition Digital Content: The City has also provided you with a cache of items to start you on your journey, including:
-A Unique Ghost Casing
-An Exclusive Player Emblem
-An Exclusive Player Ship Skin
-Includes the Destiny Expansion Pass*

3. Digital Guardian Edition


-Digital Download of Destiny
-Early access to Vanguard Armory and Player Emblem pre-order bonus
-Reservation for two upcoming Destiny Expansions, “The Dark Below” and “House of Wolves,” featuring:
-Brand new story missions
-Cooperative and competitive multiplayer arenas
-A wealth of all new weapons, armor, and gear to earn
-Collector’s Edition Digital Content: The City has also provided you with a cache of items to start you on your journey, including:
-A Unique Ghost Casing
-An Exclusive Player Emblem
-An Exclusive Player Ship Skin

Expand your Destiny adventure with brand new story missions, cooperative activities, competitive multiplayer arenas, and all wealth of all new weapons, armor, and gear to earn. The Destiny Expansion Pass includes Destiny Expansion I: “The Dark Below” and Destiny Expansion II: “House of Wolves.” In “The Dark Below,” you’ll discover an ancient tomb has been unsealed. Beneath the surface of the Moon, a dark god has answered centuries of prayer, and a dark army has risen. Explore the true depths of the Hellmouth. Stop the dark Hive ritual and survive.

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