Η Jinx Βανδάλισε το άρθρο του Cho’Gath!

Η Jinx, λιγο πριν την αφήσουν ελεύθερη στο League of Legends, ξαναχτυπάει με ακόμη μια βανδαλιστική επίθεση ενάντια σε champions (βλεπετε Vi και Lucian). Αυτή τη φορά ο στόχος της ήταν ένα άρθρο που έγραψε ο Gentelman Cho’Gath και πάλι στη Βραζιλία. Αυτή ήταν η 3η επίθεση βανδαλισμού για την οποία ευθύνεται η Jinx, θα υπάρξουν και άλλες?, ποιος θα είναι το επόμενο της θύμα? Μέχρι τότε “Get Exited!”

Η μετάφραση

του κειμένου στα αγγλικά:

The terms here refered are tasted by my cultured (and slimey) tongue over and over again, as a sweet snack, with real linguistic passion. The writer, tastes the words with pleasure (and drool), biting them with the teeth (big ones, all red and crooked), to soften them with finesse and discretion until, harmoniously, every word bleeds (my eyes, my eyes!) and so I can get conculsions (silly and senseless), which if everyone approves or not is subject to a treaty (have you tried to shut that big mouth, Mr. Bug?) that my leisure doesn’t let me write, because the bone of literary hedonism (that hurts!) lies in the flavour (of destruction with cookies) of all the things and not in their way through the digestive tract (of the most chaotic chaos). Of cours, that is just my humble (and boooring) opinion. However, in this 3rd post, (blah blah blah), I invite the reader to think of the word…

I bEtteR taLk mYseLf! My fAvourite woRd is cHaos (desorden in spanish, here she plays with the words: des-orden = no order), because iT mEanS to kiLL OrDer. BADUMTSH! And then YoU Take ouT youR MiSSiLe L4uNcheR and BOOM! YoU hAve the Best “LauNch” partY Ever xD. NoT liKe my SisteR’s LaUncH PartY wHich… By tHe wAy… HavE You SeeN Her h4iR? As BoRinG as thE fAce of the HaTlaDy, Which mAkEs me RemEmber tHat The oTher Day I wAs TalKing To Fishbones whiLe I wAs FarmiNg in The Bot Lane aNd it Told Me: “I don’t approve your plans of making fun of that Gentleman Cho’Gath”, tO WhicH I AnsWer: “YoU ArE Boo0o0ooRinGG!”, anD TheN thE Oficial arrIved anD I TolD her… We.LL… I Don’T remEmbeR wHat i TolD heR!, HahAha, bUT She DiD LooK at Me With thAt BorinG fAce She Has. Look: ._. HAHAHAHA. It’s just LiKe Hers, riGHt? WeLL, tHen tHe fool With thAt Huge hAmm3r aPPearEd aNd… oops! I bEttEr lEave BecAusE Mr. BuG JuSt W4rD3d ThiS Part oF tHe wEb aNd RealIzed ThaT I gOt iNt0 hIs pAge, So I bEtter KiTe hiM Away FrOm heRe bEcause He’s SomEwhAt FeD AftEr thAt Gank in Top xD. FilThY KissEs 4 EveryOne aNd sEE yOu s00n!

Gentleman Cho’Gath SuPeRBuG FearfAce Ch0′Bl4aaaah is the author of:

Psychology of the barbarian soul nEEEEdLesSly LarGe wEap0n “FiSHb0nEs”. 2013.

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