Fitness blogger αποδεικνύει πόσο εύκολο είναι να ξεγελάσεις κόσμο στο Instagram με «στημένες» σέξι φωτογραφίες
Ωστόσο, δεν χρειάζεται κάποιος ή κάποια να έχει το τέλειο σώμα για να...επιτύχει από τέτοιας άποψης μια φωτογραφία, καθώς υπάρχουν κάποια συγκεκριμένα «κόλπα» (πόζες, στησίματα κλπ), χωρίς την παρέμβαση Photoshop, ώστε το κορμί του ατόμου που προβάλλεται να φαίνεται πιο εντυπωσιακό από ό,τι είναι στην πραγματικότητα. Η Madalin Giorgetta, fitness blogger, ανέβασε στον λογαριασμό της μια σειρά από εικόνες και βίντεο όπου επιδεικνύει κάποια από αυτά.
Both me, both okay ✌ I've taken loads of pictures like this of me sitting down but always thought it wasn't "Instagram worthy" to post (where's the face slap emoji? ) to be honest, I was kinda repulsed by my stomach, the longer I stared at it the more grossed out I was How stupid is that? But it's also incredibly normal for women to feel ashamed and embarrassed by our bodies ☹️ I feel like I've come to a point where I can look at all of me and feel comfortable with how I look, flexed or non-flexed, posed or non-posed. As I'm gaining more weight (I'm bulking guys ) I feel more comfortable watching my body change from its leanest to its not-quiet-so-leanest. I find myself hoping on the scale and fist pumping the air when my numbers go up, becoming excited as my jeans become snugger and watching my "thigh gap" become smaller and smaller as my leg muscles grow closer together. My journey started with wanting to change my body because I hated the way I looked, now I'm working towards feeling stronger and happier and gaining a bit more self love along the way I've realised my happiness isn't determined by the numbers on a scale and the size of my jeans, because I'm fitter and stronger and that feels so liberating. I hope I can inspire you to love your body as much as it deserves, because you don't need another hater in your life #beyournumberonefan
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Mar 12, 2017 at 1:44am PST
Because I've had comments on one of posts claiming Photoshop... no it's called the human body and it moves in and out because I'm not a statue. I use filters, yes, I sometimes use Facetune to patch up a particularly heinous pimple, and like any chick I'm partial to good lighting and flattering angles but I would never ever use Photoshop to change the shape of my body. There's enough misleading images about the female body as it is and I never want to add to that
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Mar 2, 2017 at 1:57am PST
Ahh the difference a flattering pose can make I love seeing these photos on my feed as it reminds me that we allll have our best angles that we choose to share. The girls you see on Instagram don't walk around with one leg bent and one hip popped and flexed abs the whole time! I don't look like the right version in real life because who the hell stands like that in real life? But there's also nothing wrong with posting your most flattering angle, it's only human. After all, who wants to post that pic of your double chin? ♀️Constantly seeing the same carefully posed pic on my feed can get tiring, so it's always nice to see a crappy photo and think, "ohh hey, she's a bit like me" EDIT: kini is tagged folks!
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Feb 27, 2017 at 2:54pm PST
Following on from my previous post, don't compare yourself to a stranger on Instagram because photos don't reveal the true picture In images you can pose and flex and show your best side It's easy to create a thigh gap when you push your hips forward or to transform your body in 15 seconds with a few simple changes. Just keep in mind that most people only have abs in the morning and it's totally normal to have stomach rolls when you sit down. Just because you don't see hotties showing their more unflattering sides, doesn't mean they don't have them! ❤️
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Feb 9, 2017 at 4:53pm PST
Just realised I forgot to post a #transformationtuesday photo so here's mine for today! Just showing you that we all have our best angles and usually we only like to show these to the world. Plus I'm kinda mesmerised watching my stomach move in and out haha. Also, fun fact: I sometimes only fake tan my upper body when I know I'll be wearing leggings. Haha. My tans faded here so thank god you can't tell too bad. So lazy but also, ingenious #sorrylegs #missingoutonthetan crop: @womensbest
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Dec 6, 2016 at 7:16am PST
I don't walk around with abs 24/7 I have to flex to show my abs if I eat a big meal they disappear completely for a few hours ❌ this is real life and this is what it looks like. I used to look at other women on Instagram and get depressed that I didn't have their physiques of course I know that what you post on Instagram is always going to be you at your best, and not many girls post images of their bloated bellies! Not many brands want to work with the unedited “real” life person. Hence why so many women edit and filter their photos on Instagram. Brands want to work with influencers who are selling a certain lifestyle to their followers, and cellulite/stretch marks/flab ain’t one of them! But I think times are slowly changing and now brands do want to work more with these kind of people, like @becklomas, @plankingforpizza and @iskra. However, these woman are still the exception to the rule. You're still not likely to see a Prada campaign sans photoshop. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, as it influenced a huge part of my reasoning to start my fitness journey. I'd love if you had a read of my latest blog post and gave me your feedback link in bio
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Nov 23, 2016 at 6:17pm PST
A different kind of transformation photo! November 21st --> November 21st all of 30 seconds apart! I do not have abs in regular life, this is me flexing. In the before photo I am relaxed and pushing my stomach out. In the after I am flexing and sucking in my stomach Sometimes I look like the left, especially when I've had a good meal and sometimes I look like the right, mostly after I've done a Sweat With Kayla ab workout remember, Instagram is not real life ❌If I posted photos of my gut after every meal I probably wouldn't have many followers haha. I'm constantly bombarded with images in my feed of girls on Instagram with perfect bodies who seem to have a 6 pack permanently etched into their stomach. The truth is that most of the time you gotta flex to show abs, and you need an empty belly to achieve the best look (cue countless women tea toxing before a photoshoot) There's nothing wrong at all with posting those abs on Instagram, heck I do it all the time! I'm proud of my hard work and so should you be! But it's nice every now and then to keep it real (cue JLo song please) I often get asked how I achieve my abs and how my stomach is always so flat, and yeah sure I eat well and I workout, but I don't look like this 24/7 and I think it's important for you to know that. Now, who is going to comment and tell me they prefer me "before"
A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on Nov 21, 2016 at 7:59am PST
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