Our people are guided by our values and lead our efforts to innovate for better health and a brighter future
Takeda is the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and has a strong presence in over 80 geographies across the world. With a history steeped in the Japanese tradition for over two and a half centuries, Takeda, driven by its strong values, delivers innovative therapies in the areas of oncology/hematology,
It also invests in Research and Development in vaccines and plasma derived therapies. Its presence in Greece has been anything but conventional. Back in 2012, when the financial crisis was hitting investments in the country hard, Takeda acquired the Greek pharmaceuticals company Nycomed and entered the market with confidence. With an unfaltering patient focus and a strong sense of responsibility, Takeda worked closely with all institutional bodies, even in the most adverse of circumstances, to ensure its innovative solutions reach
the patients that need them.
In the meantime, it invested in the continued education of health care professionals in the Greek National Health System. Takeda also contributed to
showcase the excellence in clinical practice and research of Greek hospitals at the international level, through including university professors and clinical physicians as experts and clinical trial investigators all over the world in international meetings.
A pioneer in clinical research, Takeda Hellas actively supported the participation of Greek sites in its international clinical trials, in many cases as the only European country (e.g., together with the USA and Canada). Further, after recognizing gaps in the current disease management pathway, Takeda Hellas stepped in to develop and implement extensive, innovative patient support programs that help patients optimize the therapeutic outcomes of their treatment
and actively support the health system achieve optimal return on its investment.
Showcasing its strong commitment to advocating for patient rights, Takeda Hellas engages systematically with patient associations and their unions to strengthen their voice as well as efforts to increase disease awareness and improve patient experience with the health system and society at large.
These strong results are delivered by our people. From very early on, Takeda
Hellas focused its efforts on empowering and enabling our people to fulfil their potential by embracing diversity, collaboration and bringing to life our values of Takeda-ism, which center on Integrity, Fairness, Honesty, and Perseverance.
We continue to invest in creating diverse, inclusive, equitable and dignified work environments that aid our employees to connect to their passion, engage in creativity and cherish life-long learning. With people at the center of everything we do, we nurture a lifelong learning environment, developing and engaging our people, through open, trustful communication and agile ways of working and
preserving a safe workplace.
Our people are actively inspired to contribute, empowered to be proactive and productive and supported to realize their greater purpose: to help our
patients and create value for society, based on the Patient - Trust - Reputation – Business decision making model of Takeda; prioritizing patients first, then asking ourselves if this decision builds trust with society, which in turn strengthens our reputation.
If the answer is ‘yes’ to all these questions, then business performance follows. It is this unique interest in patients and the strong grounding on our values that guides strategic decisions and priorities for us all. This year’s recognition of Takeda as one of the 10 Best Workplace within all industries in Greece in the category of 50-250 employees (4th position) fills us with joy, recognizes our efforts to -date and reinforces our commitment to continue working tirelessly
to deliver greater value to our patients, society, and company, through the development of our own personal capabilities, in an environment that respects and promotes sustainability.
It is even more meaningful for us, as it is achieved during changing times, including the COVID-19 pandemic and our integration with Shire and Baxalta. Through turbulence, we are proud to uphold our values, strengthen our commitment to pursue our strategic imperatives and maintain our emphasis on our core therapeutic areas, our patients and our people.
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