«Εκεί που η αγάπη είναι παράνομη»: Ιστορίες επιβίωσης από έναν κόσμο που φοβάται το πιο αγνό συναίσθημα

Στις 14 Φεβρουαρίου ο πλανήτης γιόρτασε, όπως κάθε χρόνο, την «Ημέρα των Ερωτευμένων» ή, πολύ απλά, τον Άγιο Βαλεντίνο. Και, παρόλο που θεωρητικά δεν υπάρχει πιο όμορφο συναίσθημα από τον έρωτα και την αγάπη, εντούτοις υπάρχουν κράτη που ποινικοποιούν αυτό ακριβώς.

Γι′ αυτό και η οργάνωση Witness Change δημιούργησε στο instagram ένα λογαριασμό με τον τίτλο «Where love

is illegal», δηλαδή «Εκεί που η αγάπη είναι παράνομη», στον οποίο φιλοξενεί ιστορίες επιβίωσης ατόμων της LGBTQI κοινότητας απ′ όλο τον κόσμο.

“We are a lesbian married couple though not recognized because in Ugandan society lesbianism is an abnormality, an outcast, a disease that needs to be cured.” For their safety they must keep their love secret. J&Q pretend to be roommates and move frequently so that neighbors don’t learn that they are in a relationship. - On this Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the resilience of love in the face of intolerance. Around the world #LGBTQI+ people are subjected to daily discrimination because of who they are or who they love. In 72 countries it can mean imprisonment or death. To read LGBTQI+ stories of survival follow @whereloveisillegal. - Read J&Q story shared with the #WhereLoveIsIllegal campaign, a platform for #LGBT stories of survival by following @whereloveisillegal. On the page you can also see how to share your own experience of #discrimination and #survival and how you can support. Photo by @hammond_robin / @noorimages. This is a @witness_change project. For more stories of survival follow @WhereLoveIsIllegal

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Where Love Is Illegal (@whereloveisillegal) στις 14 Φεβ, 2018 στις 6:11 πμ PST

Στις χώρες που η ομοφυλοφιλία, η διαφορετικότητα αντιμετωπίζεται ως ασθένεια και λοιδορείται ή/και ακόμα χειρότερα οι ομοφυλόφιλοι γίνονται αντικείμενο κακοποίησης, τα θύματα των συμπεριφορών αυτών βρίσκουν τη δύναμη να μοιραστούν τις εμπειρίες τους, αφενός καταδεικνύοντας τα χιλιόμετρα που έχουμε ακόμη να διανύσουμε ως ανθρωπότητα μέχρι να περάσουμε το σύγχρονο διαφωτισμό, αφετέρου πως σε τέτοιες περιπτώσεις καταπάτησης ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων η σιωπή δεν είναι λύση.

“I came out to my family last Year January and they did not take it like I thought they would mum was violent to me even though I thought she was the one who would be on my side she threatened to kill my Girlfriend and ruin her life that caused a breakup between me and my girlfriend it was the worst thing I ever felt.. she took us to a police station to write a statement about being lesbians.” Vanessa is a lesbian from Kenya. Her family cut her off when she came out to them. They tracked her phone & would not support her education. Vanessa (@wanguivanessa) is safe now and happier after moving out of her families home. - Vanessa shared her story with the #WhereLoveIsIllegal campaign. You can read her full testimony at the link in our profile. At the link you can also see how to share your own experience of #discrimination and #survival and how you can support. #loveislove Photo provided by Vanessa. This is a @witness_change project developed by @Hammond_Robin. For more stories of survival follow @WhereLoveIsIllegal

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Where Love Is Illegal (@whereloveisillegal) στις 1 Φεβ, 2018 στις 8:37 πμ PST

“In the school where I attend all my class mate hate me so much, they don’t play with me, each time I go to play with them, they reject me and say they will not play with a girl (referring to me).” Ibrahim (not his real name) is a gay man from Nigeria. Despite living in a region where it is dangerous to be openly gay, and even though he has been the target of many homophobic attacks, Ibrahim refuses to back down. “I am gay and proud to be that, so also Nigerian and a citizen and more importantly a human being who deserve every right.” - Read Ibrahim's story shared with the #WhereLoveIsIllegal campaign, a platform for #LGBT stories of survival, at the link in our profile. At the link you can also see how to share your own experience of #discrimination and #survival and how you can support. Photo by @Hammond_Robin / @noorimages. This is a @witness_change project. For more stories of survival follow @WhereLoveIsIllegal

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Where Love Is Illegal (@whereloveisillegal) στις 30 Ιαν, 2018 στις 3:21 πμ PST

“Despite us trampling on our humanity, they cancel our dignity, they braze on our hearts… just because we are gays. Injustice… a word means breaking the wings of the heart and blow up the basics of humanity and it is the biggest fear in our lives.” Gad is a syrian refugee living in Lebanon. He found work in a hammam giving massages…until the police raided. He and 15 others were held for 28 days, beaten and charged with “homosexuaity.” - Read Gad's story shared with the #WhereLoveIsIllegal campaign, a platform for #LGBT stories of survival, at the link in our profile. At the link you can also see how to share your own experience of #discrimination and #survival and how you can support. Photo by @Hammond_Robin / @noorimages. This is a @witness_change project. For more stories of survival follow @WhereLoveIsIllegal

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Where Love Is Illegal (@whereloveisillegal) στις 4 Ιαν, 2018 στις 11:40 πμ PST

As we finish 2017 and enter 2018 @whereloveisillegal is proud of another year of sharing stories. 2017 has marked setbacks as well as triumphs, but we pray for more victories for equality in the coming year. No one should have to hide who they are. - “We were insulted, blackmailed, rejected, but we are strong, we have each other, we have friends and people like us. We have hope. What’s wrong with being in love. I love him and he loves me. I want to hold his hand in public or kiss him but that’s forbidden here, it’s a crime. We are happy together we want to spend our life together and we will do it despite of everything.” Walid & Abdessattar are #gay couple from #Tunisia. Homosexuality is illegal in Tunisia so Walid & Abdessattar often have to keep their relationship hidden. - Read Walid & Abdessattar’s story shared with the #WhereLoveIsIllegal campaign, a platform for #LGBT stories of survival, at the link in our profile. At the link you can also see how to share your own experience of #discrimination and #survival and how you can support. Photo by @Hammond_Robin / @noorimages. This is a @witness_change project. For more stories of survival follow @WhereLoveIsIllegal #impossibleproject

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Where Love Is Illegal (@whereloveisillegal) στις 31 Δεκ, 2017 στις 12:48 μμ PST

“I feel so bad most of the time when I feel I can’t express who I am out there and I have to hide or pretend who am not hence leading me to hurt myself so that I can feel better which I have been doing since I was a little boy.” E is a gay man living in Uganda. Hiding his sexuality has worsened his depression and he regularly self harms. - This week, in honor of the launch of the campaign @onedayinmyworld, @whereloveisillegal is sharing stories from the #LGBTQI+ community of living with mental health issues. Like, share and follow to help spread awareness about those living with mental health issues. Both campaigns are projects by @witness_change. - #mentalhealth#mentalwellness #publichealth#policychange #photojournalism#shareyourstory #mentalhealthawareness#standup #riseup #policy #publicpolicy #globalhealth #humanrights #incarceration

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Where Love Is Illegal (@whereloveisillegal) στις 14 Σεπ, 2017 στις 2:18 μμ PDT

Περισσότερες τέτοιες ανθρώπινες ιστορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στο προφίλ του Where Love is Illegal στο instagram.

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