Γνωρίστε την Harlow, το έξυπνο Golden Retriever, που μαζεύει τα ρούχα από το πλυντήριο της άρρωστης ιδιοκτήτριάς του
Η Harlow έχει το δικό του λογαριασμό στο Instagram - @helper_dog_harlow - και οι φωτογραφίες και τα βίντεο στα οποία πρωταγωνιστεί έχουν γίνει viral καθώς περισσότεροι από 68 χιλιάδες χρήστες ακολουθούν
Laundry Help Pt. 2: Empty the dryer! My girl can sit back and simply direct me to unload the clothes for her, appeasing whatever chronic illness may be angered at the time. This task, while cute, is very important for mitigating my girl's disabilities and conserving her energy. 11 Months #goodgirl #laundry #wow #amazing #tasktrained #servicedogintraining #sdit #servicedog #workingdog #dogonduty #medicalalertdog #dogtraining #servicedogsofinstagram #respectthevest #dogsofinstagram #cute #goldenretriever #puppy #instagolden #instapuppy #retrieversgram #gloriousgoldens #invisibleillness #chronicillness #spoonie #spoonielife #epilepsy #narcolepsy #asthma #migraine
A video posted by A service pup in training! ♿ (@helper_dog_harlow) on Jun 3, 2016 at 2:15pm PDT
«Η Harlow είναι γλυκιά και ανιδιοτελής. Δεν σκέφτεται τον εαυτό της, κάτι που κάνουν σε γενικές γραμμές τα Golden Retriever» ,ανέφερε η Jacquie στο American Kennel Club.
Φωτογραφίες της Jacquie με την Harlow:
Sorry for the absence, but my girl and I are back! Check out this neat video of me performing my "water bottle, I'm thirsty" task. This is just one of the many ways I help @Chronically_Jaquie when she finds herself off balance due to a pain or dizziness flare. Even when she is stuck in bed or on the couch, she must take her medication on time. So I'm here to bring her water to ensure that happens! I'm all about lending a paw to help my girl. ❤ I guess that's why they call me "helper" dog Harlow! 14 Months #goodgirl #helpful #medicine #water #servicedogintraining #servicedog #workingdog #dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #cute #goldenretriever #puppy #instapuppy #puppylove #gloriousgoldens #invisibleillness #chronicillness #spoonie #disability #epilepsy #narcolepsy #asthma #migraine #dysautonomia #POTS #gastroparesis #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #fatigue #chronicpain
A video posted by A service pup in training! ♿ (@helper_dog_harlow) on Sep 12, 2016 at 10:17am PDT
My "get it" and "give" commands are very important for my girl as we use them every single day! This retrieval task proves invaluable when @Chronically_Jaquie is feeling unsteady/dizzy from her POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). POTS is a result of her autonomic nervous system malfunctioning and it makes it very difficult for her do simple things, such as bending over to pick up dropped items. That is why I'm here to lend a paw! Also notice how I remain calm even when the toothpaste makes a loud "bang!" As a service dog, I must be able to keep my composure around all types of noises and distractions. Although I'm only about halfway through my training (and I still have a lot to learn), I'm making great progress! *Thank you for the pawsome bandana @servicedog_saxon! 14 Months #goodgirl #helpful #shopping #progress #servicedogintraining #servicedog #workingdog #dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #cute #goldenretriever #puppy #instapuppy #puppylove #gloriousgoldens #invisibleillness #chronicillness #spoonie #disability #epilepsy #narcolepsy #asthma #migraine #dysautonomia #POTS #gastroparesis #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #fatigue #chronicpain
A video posted by A service pup in training! ♿ (@helper_dog_harlow) on Sep 6, 2016 at 2:18pm PDT
@Chronically_Jaquie and I had a wonderful time at the mall! Even though I'm already 13 months old I still require outings specifically for training (such as this one) because in reality, service dog training never ends. There is always upkeep to be done in order to ensure our skills stay sharp. For example, I have this quirk that my girl refers to as the "upstairs/downstairs phenomenon." Looking downstairs from an upstairs location (such as looking past the glass behind us to the bottom floor) used to make me way too over excited; nowadays it may simply distract me a bit, but I'm quick to recover. If my girl doesn't continue with my upstairs/downstairs exposures, then I will regress to my original state of unfocused overexcitment. That's why we are sure to stay on top of my training at all times. It's definitely a lot of work, but it's worth it for my girl's independence! ❤ 13 Months #goodgirl #mall #training #servicedogintraining #servicedog #workingdog #dogtraining #servicedogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #cute #goldenretriever #puppy #instapuppy #retrieversgram #gloriousgoldens #invisibleillness #chronicillness #spoonie #disability #epilepsy #narcolepsy #asthma #migraine #orthostaticintolerance #ehlersdanlos #fatigue #chronicpain #instagood
A photo posted by A service pup in training! ♿ (@helper_dog_harlow) on Aug 1, 2016 at 2:14pm PDT
My girl and I want to give a big thank you to @sky_blue_eyes_sdit for gifting us this amazing pull strap! Your craftsmanship is spot on, as well as your color choice. We can't wait to try it out, new gear is like candy (I'm sure other teams can relate)! 12 Months #goodgirl #thankyou #sosweet #servicedogintraining #sdit #servicedog #workingdog #dogtraining #servicedogsofinstagram #respectthevest #dogsofinstagram #cute #goldenretriever #puppy #instapuppy #retrieversgram #gloriousgoldens #invisibleillness #chronicillness #spoonie #spoonielife #epilepsy #narcolepsy #asthma #migraine #ehlersdanlossyndrome #fatigue #pain #instagood
A photo posted by A service pup in training! ♿ (@helper_dog_harlow) on Jul 1, 2016 at 1:52pm PDT
My girl and I are so humbled to have been featured in a few places over the past couple months. We are extremely grateful that big organizations are helping us spread awareness for service dogs and invisible illnesses alike! Click the link in my bio to find my girl's interview with the Happy Hound, it's a great read and you might even learn something new about us. Thank you Happy Hound for the amazing opportunity, lots of puppy kisses are being sent your way! 14 Months #goodgirl #HappyHound #interview #thankful #servicedogintraining #servicedog #workingdog #dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #cute #goldenretriever #puppy #instapuppy #puppylove #invisibleillness #chronicillness #spoonie #disability #epilepsy #narcolepsy #asthma #migraine #dysautonomia #POTS #gastroparesis #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #fatigue #chronicpain #instagood
A photo posted by A service pup in training! ♿ (@helper_dog_harlow) on Sep 7, 2016 at 5:22pm PDT
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- Γνωρίστε την Harlow, το έξυπνο Golden Retriever, που μαζεύει τα ρούχα από το πλυντήριο της άρρωστης ιδιοκτήτριάς του
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- Γνωρίστε την Harlow, το έξυπνο Golden Retriever, που μαζεύει τα ρούχα από το πλυντήριο της άρρωστης ιδιοκτήτριάς του
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