Θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι γλιστρά στο στόμα μιας φάλαινας -Μια σπάνια φωτογραφία και μια απίθανη συνέχεια
Οι φωτογραφίες από την άγρια φύση σπάνια αφήνουν ασυγκίνητο τον θεατή. Μερικές φορές όμως κάποιες εικόνες είναι τόσο άγρια όμορφες και η δυνατότητα ενός φωτογράφου να τις συλλάβει τόσο σπάνια που το τελικό αποτέλεσμα προκαλεί δέος. Αφού για μερικά κλάσματα του δευτερολέπτου είναι σαν όλο το μεγαλείο της φύσης να αποκαλύπτεται μπροστά στα μάτια μας.
Όλα αυτά συμβαίνουν και με την φωτογραφία του Chase Dekker ο οποίος εδώ και περίπου 10 χρόνια φωτογραφίζει στιγμές από την ζωή άγριων και σπάνιων ζώων. Ακόμη και ο ίδιος όμως, όπως λέει, δεν έχει φωτογραφίσει ποτέ κάτι
Όπως λέει, ήταν επί ενός σκάφους που παρακολουθεί φάλαινες και έπλεε ανοιχτά του Κόλπου του Μόντερεϊ στην Καλιφόρνια. Και τότε είδε ένα θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι να βρίσκεται μπροστά στη μύτη μιας μεγάπτερης φάλαινας. Και αμέσως άρχισε να τραβάει φωτογραφίες.
«Δεν κοίταξα καν μέσα από την κάμερα. Απλά πήδηξα και άρχισα να φωνάζω προς όλους όσους ήταν στο σκάφος» λέει ο Dekker.
To αποτέλεσμα όπως βλέπετε είναι μαγευτικό καθώς κατάφερε να συλλάβει τη στιγμή που το θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι γλιστρά μέσα στο στόμα της φάλαινας.
View this post on InstagramJust the other day I witnessed something out on Monterey Bay I had never seen before. While the humpbacks were lunge feeding on a school of anchovies, a sea lion apparently didn't jump out of the way fast enough and got trapped inside the whales mouth! At some point the sea lion escaped and the whale seemed fine too as it continued to feed, but it must have been a strange experience for both parties! That sea lion had the true "Jonah Experience"!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Jul 24, 2019 at 10:13am PDT
Όσο για τη συνέχεια, ο Dekker εξήγησε πως το θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι σώθηκε αφού κατάφερε να ξεγλιστρίσει και να κολυμπήσει γρήγορα-γρήγορα μακριά από τη φάλαινα.
Εξάλλου οι μεγάπτερες φάλαινες (ή καμπούρες φάλαινες) δεν τρέφονται με είδη όπως το θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι αφού ο οισοφάγος τους είναι τόσο μικρός που θα ήταν αδύνατον να τον καταπιεί. Το πιο πιθανό είναι ότι έπαιζε μαζί του (αν και ο θαλάσσιος ελέφαντας μάλλον δεν το απόλαυσε και πολύ).
Και ιδού μερικές ακόμη φωτογραφίες του Dekker (που μάλλον αξίζει να τον ακολουθεί κανείς στο Instagram). Δείγματα της δουλειάς του μπορείτε να δείτε και στην ιστοσελίδα του Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images .
View this post on InstagramThis is what a normal lunge feeding event looks like when a sea lion doesn’t end up in the wrong spot! Just yesterday I came across a group of 5 humpback whales lunge feeding with 300+ sea lions. This time, the sea lions made sure to jump out of the way when the whales were surfacing! Head out with me on Sanctuary Cruises to see this action!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Jul 25, 2019 at 11:01am PDT
View this post on InstagramKiller whale season is right around the corner! During the months of April and May, orcas flood Monterey Bay to hunt migrating gray whales and other animals that frequent these waters. It is easily one of the most exciting times to be out on a boat as we see more species in spring than any other time of year. You can join me on a sunrise photography workshop to look for orcas and other wildlife starting next month. Follow the link in my bio to learn more and register! Taken aboard: @sanctuarycruises
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Mar 16, 2019 at 11:03am PDT
View this post on InstagramHeaded out to find some winter scenes today. I don’t think I’ll run across any moose anytime soon here in California, but a sunset like this would work!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Feb 6, 2019 at 11:52am PST
View this post on InstagramThis lioness was trying to woo the male lion by acting quite flirtatious. She even formed her tail to look like half a heart! Happy Valentine’s Day!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Feb 14, 2019 at 10:34am PST
View this post on InstagramAfrica has a lot more to be found than just the Big Five (can you name them?). In fact, the birding there is some of the best in the world. While white pelicans may not be the first bird species you think of flying around the savanna, they can be found across many lake and swampy regions of East Africa during the winter months. We stopped by this small swamp in Amboseli National Park where around 500 or so pelicans were working together to drive up the fish. The way they would move together in such a tight group was unlike anything I had ever seen and produced (at least in my opinion) a really unique photo opportunity.
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Jan 22, 2019 at 10:45am PST
View this post on InstagramI spent so much time with these red fox kits, I eventually trained them to run across the flowered meadows at sunset in my direction. Don't you just love when wildlife plays along?
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on May 30, 2018 at 11:15am PDT
View this post on InstagramThe simplicity of the open savanna is what many long to see in Africa. Wide open plains, only broken up by a lone acacia tree or a towering giraffe. Watching these elephants parade across the expansive grasslands made them appear larger and more grand. But then again, an African elephants looks beautiful and enormous wherever it may be. Hopefully, that’ll always be in the wild open spaces of Africa! If you haven’t already, you can also check out my blog and new YouTube channel where you can get a behind the scenes look at my travels and photo taking process. Link in my bio!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Feb 20, 2019 at 11:17am PST
View this post on InstagramUnlike many other cats, cheetahs are mainly diurnal, hunting mostly during the hours of dawn and dusk. Since they rely on sight more than any other sense, it’s quite common to see this large cat climbing trees, termite mounds (like this one), and even vehicles to gain a higher vantage point. Once they spot their prey, they’ll try to creep up to it as closely as it can before pouncing and reaching that lightning fast speed of 70 miles per hour. Even though cheetahs can be quite successful hunters, they usually lose their meal within minutes to hyenas, lions, or leopards.
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Dec 22, 2018 at 10:42am PST
View this post on InstagramOn our first morning inside Denali National Park, we were socked in by a heavy fog that would pretty much last all day. We headed out before sunrise (hard to tell when it ever rose) and after a short while I saw the silhouette of an antler rack not too far from where we were. It turned out to be this bull caribou who was actively shedding the velvet off his antlers, just in time for the rut. While I didn't get the classic shot of a caribou with Denali in the background, I'll take this foggy photo of one for now. There's always next time!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Jan 17, 2018 at 11:09am PST
View this post on InstagramFor some animals, the arrival of winter can be an advantage. Great gray owls rely heavily on their sense of hearing, as they scan meadows and forest floors for rodents scurrying around. As long as the snow is not too thick, the sounds are a little louder and echo more than in summer, making it easier for these owls to detect their prey. The largest anatomical trait that allows these owls to hone in on their catch, is that their ears are asymmetrical. One ear tends to be higher than the other, which means sounds reach each ear at a slightly different time. This gives owls the ability to locate the sounds with almost perfect precision.
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Dec 21, 2017 at 1:14pm PST
View this post on InstagramWho else is ready for winter? Photographing wildlife in the snow, like this family of grizzly bears, is one of my favorite things. There are 2 days left for the Cyber Monday Sale. Visit my website for all the deals!
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Nov 28, 2017 at 10:47am PST
View this post on InstagramEven though they can get an "A" for effort, they're definitely not the best at playing hide-and-seek. This is especially true when that red coat stands out like a sore thumb in snow.
A post shared by Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images (@chasedekkerphotography) on Nov 14, 2017 at 12:28pm PST
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