What Facilities Managers Need to Know: Trust But Verify Your Commercial Contractors
This is the next in a series of posts highlighting the 13 trends, technologies and best practices essential for facilities managers, from the ebook What You Need to Know to Succeed in Facilities Management in 2020.
Facilities management has often been a relationship-driven world where contractors and FMs work together because of history
Most FMs have a story of how a contractor relationship deteriorated, leading to unforeseen trouble. And as facilities management becomes more data-driven, it’s essential that vendor relationships be based on objective, quantifiable performance metrics. With facilities work having a powerful impact on a company’s brand (by driving one’s “brand uptime”) there’ll be no excuse not to have the best performing contractors doing your work.
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- Τελευταία Νέα AlterEgo
- What Facilities Managers Need to Know: Trust But Verify Your Commercial Contractors
- ServiceChannel Selects PromisePay to Optimize Payments for Facilities Management and Contractors
- At PRSM, Facilities Data Steals the Show
- Guardian Fueling Technologies— Ease of Invoicing with ServiceChannel Keeps Their Customers Happy
- What Do The Fastest Growing Retailers Have in Common? (Hint: Facilities Management Software)
- wagamama Avoids Surprise Calls by Using ServiceChannel - NewsChannel, October 2016
- ServiceChannel Featured in PRSM Association ‘Best Practices Book’ for Retail FM
- What is Customer Service Week All About?
- ServiceChannel Updates Site Audit Manager to Deliver Unprecedented Transparency and Actionable Insights for Facilities Inspections
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