Bάρντι: Δεν είμαι εγώ που "έφαγα" τον Ρανιέρι

​Τέσσερις ποδοσφαιριστές της Λέστερ φέρεται να... έφαγαν τον Κλαούντιο Ρανιέρι σύμφωνα με βρετανικά ρεπορτάζ.

Ο Τζέιμι Βάρντι έβγαλε τον εαυτό του έξω απ΄ αυτό διαψεύδοντας τα σενάρια μέσω instagram.

Ο επιθετικός των «αλεπούδων» έγραψε στο instagram: «Υπάρχει μια φημολογία πως είχα ανάμιξη στην απόλυση του Ρανιέρι και αυτό είναι απόλυτα αναληθές, αβάσιμο και εξαιρετικά επιζήμιο».

I must have written and

deleted my words to this post a stupid amount of times! I owed Claudio to find the right and appropriate words! Claudio has and always will have my complete respect! What we achieved together and as a team was the impossible! He believed in me when many didn't and for that I owe him my eternal gratitude. There is speculation I was involved in his dismissal and this is completely untrue, unfounded and is extremely hurtful! The only thing we are guilty of as a team is underachieving which we all acknowledge both in the dressing room and publicly and will do our best to rectify. I wish Claudio the very very best in whatever the future holds for him. Thank You Claudio for everything.

A post shared by Jamie Vardy (@vardy7) on Feb 25, 2017 at 11:33am PST

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