Ghent University Scientists Uncover Explosive Findings in Deadly Greek Train Collision

Scientists from Ghent University have uncovered critical new evidence about the fire that followed the tragic train collision in Tempi, Greece.

Commissioned by the Hellenic Organization for the Investigation of Aviation and Railway Accidents and Transport Safety (EODASAM), their findings shed light on the causes of the disaster and could have major implications for

railway safety and accountability.

According to a report by the Greek Sunday edition newspaper Real News, the Belgian experts identified key details about the explosion, including the type of substances involved, their weight, and the dimensions of the tank carrying them. Using state-of-the-art equipment and artificial intelligence-driven analysis, the researchers determined that the first carriage of the freight train—located directly behind the locomotive—was carrying undeclared volatile hydrocarbons. The substances, likely xylene and toluene (commonly used in fuel adulteration), were stored in a tank measuring approximately 1 by 2.5 meters, with an estimated weight between 3.5 and 4 tons.

The fire was far more intense than expected for a collision of this magnitude. The explosions lasted about eight seconds, producing a fireball that soared 80 meters into the sky. These findings are expected to be formally documented and submitted to Greek authorities in the coming days.

EODASAM’s decision to involve Ghent University in the investigation was one of its first actions after being established in February 2024. The research team analyzed physical samples from the wreckage and video footage of the explosion, using AI-based forensic tools to examine the spread of the fire.

They factored in weather conditions, humidity levels, and wind strength on the night of February 28, 2023, to determine the exact locations of the explosions and the trajectory of the flames. Changes in the color of the fireball provided further insight into the substances burning at the time.

These findings will be included in EODASAM’s final report, set to be presented on February 27. Meanwhile, a separate investigation in Germany is analyzing whether the materials used in train seats contributed to the spread of the fire. Railway safety regulations require periodic inspections to ensure seats meet fire resistance standards, and this study aims to determine if those standards were upheld.

Another significant revelation expected in the official report is that the two trains did not collide just once but three times. According to Real News, evidence from wreckage analysis and available video footage suggests that after the initial impact, the carriages crumpled rapidly, leading to two additional crashes between sections of the trains. This new information could explain the extreme level of destruction seen at the scene.

With these conclusions, EODASAM seeks to answer one of the most pressing questions of the disaster: how the fire resulted in such a high death toll. The Greek Fire Service has described the blaze as «unexpected and abnormal», even considering the severity of the crash.

The upcoming report is also expected to highlight critical failures in the immediate response to the collision. According to sources, serious mismanagement occurred in the hours following the crash, primarily because the Greek Traffic Police were initially responsible for handling the site. Although EODASAM had been legally mandated since 2007, it was not fully operational until last year, leading to an absence of structured accident response procedures.

In parallel with the official investigation, the Independent Experts Committee of the Victims’ Families (EDAPO) has been conducting its own inquiry. Their findings confirm that the freight train was transporting undeclared hazardous materials—specifically, approximately 3.5 tons of flammable hydrocarbons.

A source cited by Real News stated, «For scientists and those with expertise in the field, the presence of flammable material that led to the massive fire explosion after the collision is indisputable».

These revelations, combined with the official findings, could have far-reaching consequences, not only for the families seeking justice but also for future railway safety regulations in Greece.

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