Greece Leverages AI to Boost Tax Compliance
Leveraging artificial intelligence, business intelligence, and automation, AADE aims to modernize tax procedures and enhance compliance.
Greece’s Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has unveiled an ambitious strategic plan for 2025-2029, aiming to transform the country’s tax
At the heart of the plan is the transition to a data-driven, technology-enhanced tax system, referred to as "Tax Administration 3.0." Leveraging artificial intelligence, business intelligence, and automation, AADE aims to modernize tax procedures and enhance compliance. This transformation will be funded in part by the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility and will involve the replacement of outdated IT systems with an integrated digital ecosystem.
One of the most significant innovations is the unification of all taxpayer data under a single tax identification number (AFM), allowing for a comprehensive real-time view of financial obligations and rights. This development will ensure seamless digital tax services, enabling individuals and businesses to manage their tax matters online from anywhere in the country. A centralized accounting system will further streamline operations, consolidating all tax-related obligations within a single platform.
Efficiency improvements will be a defining feature of the new system. AADE aims to process 95% of digital taxpayer requests within 24 hours and fully digitize 80% of tax service procedures by 2029. For cases requiring more time, the goal is to resolve them within three working days, ensuring a faster and more responsive tax administration. The reforms will also benefit the business sector, particularly in international trade. Greece is introducing streamlined customs clearance processes that will allow more than 90% of imports and 95% of exports to be processed within an hour. Additionally, tax refunds will be automated, with 95% expected to be completed within 30 days, offering significant relief for businesses and individuals.
To enhance citizen engagement and accessibility, the tax authority is expanding its digital services. Artificial intelligence-powered chatbots will be introduced to provide immediate responses to tax-related inquiries, while an online appointment system will allow taxpayers to schedule in-person visits, reducing wait times and bureaucratic inefficiencies. As part of its investment in human capital, AADE is also launching a real-time tax data analysis center, known as DataLab, which will improve decision-making and help predict financial trends. Employees will be trained in emerging technologies, ensuring that the agency remains at the forefront of digital governance.
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