180 destinations on Munich Airport’s new winter flight schedule
The new winter flight schedule begins at Munich Airport on the last weekend in October, which lasts from Sunday, October 27, 2024, to Saturday, March 29, 2025.
During this period, passengers can choose from 50 long-haul destinations,
Lufthansa also offers flights to attractive long-haul destinations this winter: The largest airline at Munich Airport flies to Sao Paulo three times a week – they use modern and efficient Airbus A350 aircraft on flights to the Brazilian metropolis. Lufthansa flights to Seattle, USA, Vancouver, Canada and Johannesburg, South Africa, which have started with the current summer flight schedule period, will also continue in the winter flight schedule period. Lufthansa operates an Airbus A350 to these destinations three times a week.
Passengers can also travel from Munich with the world’s largest passenger aircraft – the Airbus A380 – during the winter flight plan: Lufthansa uses this aircraft type on flights to Los Angeles, Bangkok and Delhi. Emirates uses the Airbus A380 on their connections to Dubai.
There is news from Discover Airline: They are stationing two long-haul Airbus A330 aircraft in Munich and will start with three weekly connections to Orlando, Florida from March 3, 2025. Starting in April 2025, two more attractive destinations will be added to Discover’ network: Windhoek in Namibia and Calgary in Canada.
As early as the beginning of October, Vietnam Airlines first started flights to Munich. Flights between the Bavarian hub, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will continue throughout the winter season. Flights to the capital Hanoi operate twice weekly, while flights to Ho Chi Minh City operate once a week. Starting in December 2024, the frequency to Ho Chi Minh City will be increased to two flights per week.
Gulf Air, which has been connecting Munich with Bahrain four times a week since July 2024, is also continuing its flights in the winter schedule. Oman Air is increasing the frequency of its connections to Muscat in Munich: From December 19, there will be daily flights to the capital of Oman instead of four times a week. The Maldivian airline BeOnd is celebrating its comeback at Munich Airport: Twice a week, starting October 27th, an Airbus A321 with all-business class seating will fly directly to the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.
Within Europe, the carrier Norwegian is continuing its twice weekly flights to Malaga and Alicante in Spain even in winter. If you are looking for a special destination high in the north, you can now fly to Rovaniemi with Norwegian from December 3 to March 1 – a city in northern Finnish Lapland. This town right on the Arctic Circle advertises that visitors can meet Santa Claus there and send Christmas greetings from the local post office.
The complete winter flight schedule 2024/2025 as well as further information can be found at www.munich-airport.de/saisonflugplan
(Munich Airport)
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