Australia Post is on the hunt for school leavers and seniors to join the team
Australia Post is actively recruiting for up to 6,000 new team members and is looking to attract a wide range of job hunters, including school leavers and seniors – and everyone in between.
The recruitment drive for permanent and casual team members comes ahead of what’s expected to be another huge Cyber
Job hunters with a forklift, truck or motorcycle licence are top of Australia Post’s wish list, with other available roles including sorting and delivering parcels as well as customer service. Currently there are vacancies in every State and Territory, with morning, afternoon and evening shifts all available – and for many roles, no previous experience is necessary.
Australia Post is proud to have one of Australia’s most diverse workforces, and employs people of all ages, background and abilities to reflect the communities we serve around the country.
Australia Post Executive General Manager People and Culture Susan Davies said the new team members would be joining an incredibly diverse extended workforce of more than 64,000 people from all walks of life, with people from 134 nationalities.
“We know that many businesses are recruiting at the moment, but we see Australia Post standing out from the pack as a truly inclusive workplace. We offer certainty around shifts for the coming peak period and competitive salaries for a wide range of roles, many of which need no previous experience.
“We’re proud of the fact that more than 5.6 per cent of our team identify as having a disability, reflecting our commitment to creating an inclusive organisation as the largest Australian employer to be certified as a Disability Confident Recruiter.
“And while there are great seasonal roles that may suit a number of people in the short term, for others it can also open up more permanent career opportunities. We’ve had many fantastic team members who started as casuals stay on with us long after Christmas.”
There are more than 2,500 casual positions available in parcel and mail processing, as well as more than 780 roles for truck drivers and other delivery drivers, more than 300 positions supporting customers with queries and around 200 opportunities for forklift drivers.
Additional ongoing roles include motorcycle, bicycle, walking and EDV (electric delivery vehicle) posties; truck and van drivers, freight and parcel handlers, forklift operators and opportunities in our Post Office network.
Applicants are encouraged to explore casual and permanent roles available in their region and field of interest by visiting
(Australia Post)
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