Autonomous vehicle project makes headway

The first expert workshop for the AWARD project, funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme  brought together more than 90 participants this month. Transport operators, vehicle manufacturers and regulators discussed user needs and requirements for

the four different project user scenarios.

The All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations (AWARD) project aims to accelerate the deployment of connected and automated freight transport solutions across Europe.

The project will trial operations in adverse weather conditions, in both closed areas and mixed traffic, to assess the safety and efficiency of automated commercial freight operations.

As a key member of the project consortium, IRU is leading on identifying market opportunities, defining new business models and analysing regulatory frameworks. These three areas will be essential for the deployment of driverless heavy-duty vehicles and fleet operators’ interests. The project will continue to 2023.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006817.


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