ÖBB Rail Cargo Group and Baumann Paletten strengthen the original EUR Euro pallet
Logistics would be unthinkable without the Euro-pallet Estimates suggest that there are about 600 million Euro-pallets in circulation worldwide.
The trademark rights to the original Euro-pallet with the EUR symbol have belonged to ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) since 1961.
In order to strengthen this brand and the open exchange
The introduction of the Euro-pallet in 1961 has increasingly revolutionised logistics throughout Europe and beyond. To give just one example, their use has cut the time required to load railway wagons by more than half. The world of logistics is based on their measurements of 800 mm x 1,200 mm x 144mm – from the dimensions of storage spaces and transport systems, right through to loading spaces in HGVs and goods lorries. Their rapid spread meant that an international pooling system could also be established from the start.
The Euro-pallet consists of 100% wood and is produced and tested for quality according to the UIC standard 435-2 ff. All EUR Euro-pallets are heat-treated according to the ISPM 15 standard and can be used for export. The original is easy to spot – the characteristic “EUR” in an oval shape can be found on the right-hand corner block of each individual pallet. Because of its ubiquity and multifunctionality, the EUR Euro-pallet is a reusable and recyclable way of transporting heavy loads.
“Our vision is to be the sustainable logistics backbone of the European economy. In addition to our TransFER connections, innovative wagons and the digital assistant MIKE, this also includes the most fundamental element of transport logistics: the Euro-pallet,” emphasises Clemens Först, CEO of ÖBB Rail Cargo Group. “By strengthening the EUR brand in partnership with the Munich family firm Baumann Paletten, we are also increasing the use of environmentally friendly load carriers. And that is completely in line with our vision.”
Alex Rotärmel, CEO of Baumann Paletten: “As a company, Baumann Paletten stands for consistently high quality and for a ready availability of standard load carriers. For us, the open Euro-pallet exchange pool is the linchpin of a well-functioning logistics chain and of sustainable load carrier management. We are proud to be able to be active in shaping the necessary optimisation processes for the benefit of the EUR brand and its users.”
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