DB Schenker collaborates with Cisco to reveal the Internet of Things
DB Schenker and Cisco are collaborating to change the face of the logistics Industry. The companies are working together to develop, test, and implement various applications around the Internet of Things and other innovative technologies for logistics.
The teams have joined forces to examine technologies that unleash new opportunities to optimize warehouse and transportation processes. A joint Innovation Lab is open and set up in our warehouse in Houston, Texas to test and commercialize new technologies for logistics. Schenker and Cisco are testing cutting edge technologies, including:
-Sensor-based solutions
-Real-time locationing systems
-Robotics and automation
-Smart devices
-Video analytics
-Augmented Reality
-Energy and Asset Management
-Facial Recognition
The applications are developed by both Cisco and DB Schenker. Following entry into the Innovation Lab, applications and products are thoroughly tested by DB Schenker employees in a warehouse environment. During the trial phase, the team assesses both technical feasibility and the value proposition within a warehousing and supply chain environment.
”We’re thrilled at the collaboration between DB Schenker and Cisco on IoT and digitization for logistics. We have developed many technologies together that we think are groundbreaking for the industry. The work in the Innovation Lab has allowed us to determine how certain new technologies can be developed to change the way we do Logistics and Supply Chain dramatically.
DB Schenker has a thorough understanding of the complex requirements for innovative logistics solutions. With our expertise and strong commitment, we are supporting Cisco in shaping the future of logistics”, says Tom Schmitt, Chief Commercial Officer & Member of the Board Contract Logistics at DB Schenker.
According to Senior Director of Cisco Global Logistics Jack Allen, “Cisco aspires to change the logistics industry. The roots of the technology in the logistics industry date back as far as 700 years. We believe that by applying many of the concepts of digitization in the Internet age, we can make that transformation happen.
We’re excited about working with the best companies in the world, like Schenker, to truly change the way we move and store goods globally. These kinds of collaborations will allow us to dramatically improve the way we do logistics and, we hope, will allow us to improve logistics around the world.”
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