DHL Supply Chain Australia agrees to acquire The Glen Cameron Group
DHL Supply Chain, part of the Deutsche Post Group (DPDHL), is acquiring 100% of the Glen Cameron Group, an Australian logistics company specialising in road freight and contract logistics.
The Glen Cameron Group
The strategic combination of the Glen Cameron Group with DHL Supply Chain will strengthen DHL’s position in the evolving Australian road freight market and create one of the largest logistics companies in the country with combined revenue of over AU$1 billion (670 Mio EUR).
“Given DHL Supply Chain’s continued outstanding performance, we strategically invest to further facilitate our accelerated growth, meeting our customers’ current and emerging needs. Therefore, I am delighted that we are acquiring this market leading transportation business in Australia, making us the clear provider of choice in a significant logistics market,” said Oscar de Bok, CEO, DHL Supply Chain.
“This acquisition signifies our commitment to grow the business in Australia, enhancing our service offering to provide the best solution to our customers. The supply chain is evolving quickly and with significant transport operational capability, we will be more agile, respond faster to changing demands, and continue to deliver on our promises,” said Terry Ryan, CEO, DHL Supply Chain, Asia Pacific.
“This is a unique opportunity for DHL Supply Chain to add additional high-quality transport services to our warehouse and transport solutions in Australia. We look forward to offering a fuller range of transport services to existing and new customers. DHL is well recognised for having a strong warehouse base and with this acquisition, we will be strengthening our offer with four services; Domestic Nationwide General Freight, Domestic Nationwide Express Freight, Specialised Services and Contract Logistics transport – with dedicated solutions for customers,” says Steve Thompsett, CEO, DHL Supply Chain Australia and New Zealand.
The Glen Cameron Group is recognized as a leader in freight and contract logistics and DHL will benefit from the expertise of the Cameron Logistics’ team in the consumer and grocery sectors.
Glen Cameron, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Glen Cameron Group said: “Since founding the Glen Cameron Group 47 years ago and over the last five decades we have built a successful, diverse, and resilient business. What began as one 8-tonne truck in 1975 has evolved to be one of Australia’s largest transport and logistic business. Together with DHL, we can take our business to the next level.
The Glen Cameron Group will benefit from DHL’s large-scale network in over 220 countries and global forwarding expertise in air, ocean and road freight to ensure strong development opportunities for the business, its customers, and its employees.
“I’m excited to see the Glen Cameron Group join with DHL. Together, we can increase our footprint and become one of the largest transport and logistics businesses in this country. With the backing of a highly successful global corporate business, we have an opportunity to invest in growth and open new opportunities for our employees, and this marks an important milestone to continue an important legacy in the Australian transportation industry,” Mr Cameron concluded.
DHL Supply Chain provides its customers with extensive logistics and data management solutions for their supply chain management and operations, with a focus on sustainability and quality. A global network of supply chain specialists and strong local expertise are among the company’s key capabilities. In Australia, DHL Supply Chain employs some 4,000 logistics professionals at its warehouses and transport operations.
(Deutsche Post DHL Group)
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