DHL eCommerce inaugurates 100,000th access point in Europe
DHL eCommerce inaugurated its 100,000th access point and thus operates the largest and densest network in Europe.
The inauguration of the 100,000th access point was celebrated in Warsaw, Poland. Access points are ServicePoints (parcel shops) or locker
The network currently spans a total of 28 countries across Europe and partially leverages synergy effects with its sister divisions DHL Express and Post + Parcel Germany.
“DHL eCommerce aspires to provide our customers with reliable, affordable, and sustainable e-commerce delivery services since they’re always at the centre of everything we do,” says Pablo Ciano, CEO DHL eCommerce. “The backbone of our services is our extensive network operated by us or through partnerships and our digital expertise and capabilities. With almost unlimited growth potential, we’re operating in one of the most exciting segments in the industry. But how we harness that potential will enable us to achieve our goals. Now is the time to invest and grow.”
Since the number of active e-commerce shoppers is constantly growing across Europe, the demand for parcel collection and drop-off points in urban and metropolitan areas are increasing. At the same time, a dense network of access points also plays a decisive role for small and large e-commerce marketplaces equally in providing comprehensive and convenient return logistics for their customers. In Poland, for example, DHL eCommerce has formed a joint venture with Cainiao, the logistics arm of Alibaba, to develop the country’s largest OOH network. The recently signed agreement to acquire MNG Kargo in Turkey and the cooperation with Poste Italiane in Italy will also contribute to the further expansion of the European network of DHL eCommerce.
Growing demand for flexible delivery optionsAs online shoppers increasingly ask for reliable, affordable and sustainable delivery and returns, DHL supports them through access points, offering convenient and flexible services. This is also underlined by the results of the Online Shopper Survey, commissioned by DHL, due to be released in September. In the survey, 24% of European respondents said they want their parcels delivered to access points. This is the highest when compared to other parts of the world. In Asia-Pacific, it is 11%; in Sub-Saharan Africa, 8.5%; in North America, 7.5%; in the Middle East and North Africa, 6.5% and Latin America, 6%. 47% of Europeans interviewed said their experience would be improved if more delivery options and parcel lockers and collection points were closer to their home. Polish consumers are leading the way in how they want their parcels delivered, with 55% preferring a delivery to a Locker or a Parcel Shop. Therefore, it is unsurprising that Poland has the second densest access point offering in Europe, after Germany.
Additionally, 70% of European online shoppers expect to be able to change the delivery option at the last minute. Therefore, the need for a logistics partner who can cater to all delivery and returns needs is very high. With one of the largest footprints in Europe in high-traffic urban and metropolitan areas, DHL eCommerce offers flexibility and scale to its customers.
Sustainable delivery through access pointsFurthermore, collection from access points also plays an integral part regarding a more sustainable delivery as ServicePoints and lockers save up to 30% of emissions. The Online Shopper Survey shows that 30% of Europeans would switch to collection to make their delivery more sustainable over having longer delivery times or paying more.
Product/Service specificsSend up to 31.5 kg and 200 cm in length across Europe – restrictions can apply depending on the size of the locker.Regular pick and drop offs at all access points.Direct addressing so customers, customers can choose to have their parcels delivered directly to a ServicePoint or Locker at the point of checkout.Monday – Saturday delivery.End-to-end tracking with pre delivery alerts.Attractive solution for business to increase delivery rates if their customers are not home.Recipients can re-arrange their delivery day.Secure.(DHL eCommerce)
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